All The Democratic News Fit To Print In and Around New Britain, CT (USA)

Friday, December 19, 2008

A conversation on January 21, 2009

When: 1/21/2009

Where: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

A visitor knocks on the door of the White House in the morning.

"I would like to speak with President Bush. Is he here?"

"No," comes the reply from a White House aide. "He no longer lives here."

The visitor returns at noon and knocks again.

"I would like to speak with President Bush. Is he here?"

"NO," comes the reply again.

Not to be denied, the visitor comes back in the evening.

"I would like to speak with President Bush. Is he here?"

"For the final time, he is not here. Don't you know the inauguration was yesterday?"

"Yes," says the visitor. "But I just love to hear you say President Bush is no longer here."

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New Britain Democrats

New Britain, Connecticut, United States
New Britain Democrat is a digest of e-newsletters that present news, views and information from the New Britain Democratic Town Committee. John McNamara, the Town Chair, is the editor. Mailing Address: Post Office Box 2112 New Britain, CT 06050 John Valengavich, Treasurer