State Rep. John C. Geragosian (D-25) today urged the U.S. Congress to adopt a resolution acknowledging the 1915 massacres of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide. In a Hartford Courant Commentary published October 21 ("Who Speaks Today?") Geragosian argues for passage of a resolution with the last "eyewitnesses" to the genocide dying out. "Without these survivors, the Turkish government and its powerful and sleazy lobbyists who profit from 1.5 million dead souls will be even more emboldened. No witnesses. No genocide," wrote Geragosian. Geragosian is the only Armenian American member of the General Assembly and organizes an annual commemoration for the Armenian dead at the state Capitol each year. For decades U.S. Administrations and Congress have failed to recognize these well-documented crimes against humanity perpetrated in the World War I era. Official Washington's rationale against a holocaust recognition vote has always been to maintain smooth relations with Turkey -- one of the key members of the NATO alliance. Vice President Dick Cheney and CT Senator Joseph Lieberman have drawn sharp criticism from Armenian Americans for their positions and for refusal to back the Congressional resolution that has been raised in session after session. Early in his Senate career, Lieberman told a West Hartford audience that he couldn't back the resolution because it would offend "a defense contractor in Fairfield County" who did business with Turkey.
Said Geragosian: "Acknowledging the genocide would only benefit Turkey. It would enhance Turkey's prospects for much desired membership in the European Union. Modern Germany fares better today for having recognized the atrocities of the Holocaust."
This month the resolution won a vote in the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling for a "new direction" on the question. The 2007 resolution, however, faces opposition from the Bush administration and is fiercely opposed by the center- right Turkish government according to recent news reports.
Town Committee Meets Monday at City Hall
The Democratic Town Committee will meet Monday, October 22nd, at 7 p.m. to discuss campaign activities, including an October 27-28 literature drop and Election Day activities. Justice of the Peace vacancies may also be filled. The meeting will be held at New Britain City Hall 27 West Main Street, 27 West Main Street. Room 504. Parking is available in the adjoining municipal garage. All Democrats and friends are welcome to attend.
Help Get Out The Vote For Row B November 6th
Your time and support is needed between now and November 6th to help get out the vote.
- Make calls to voters about November 6th
- Send cards to family, friends and neighbors
- Get a lawn sign
- Volunteer election day to increase voter turnout
Contact newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
New Britain Democrat e-letter John McNamara, Chair and Editor
New Britain Democratic Town Committee Post Office Box 2112, New Britain , CT 06050
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