O’Brien asks town committee members for mayoral endorsement
Democratic Endorsement Meeting Tuesday, July 28th
State Rep. Tim O’Brien (D-24), in a letter to the members of the Democratic Town Committee, has asked for their support at the DTC’s endorsement meeting to be held Tuesday, July 28th, at the Italian Fraternal Society, 153 Monroe Street.
O’Brien, reiterating points made at his July 17th announcement at the Pulaski Democratic Club, said “change” is needed in the Mayor’s office “to help homeowners, especially seniors, with unfair property taxes; to improve quality of life in all of New Britain's neighborhoods; to create good paying jobs and revitalize our economy; to improve the quality of education and create new opportunity.”
“I believe, deep in my heart, that New Britain can be brought back, that we can restore hope to the people of our city. And I believe that the Democratic Party, as the party of the people, is where the new ideas and vision must come to change from policies that benefit a select few to leadership that benefits all of the people of New Britain. As I have said, I want this campaign to be about empowering the people of our city, not just about electing one person.” O’Brien, serving his fourth term in the Legislature, previously was elected to the Common Council.
The DTC will endorse candidates for Mayor, Town and City Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer , City Council, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeal and Constable at Tuesday’s meeting. “We’re striving to offer the voters a diverse and competent group of candidates who are truly representative of all residents and who can help Tim O’Brien bring positive change to City Hall,” said Democratic Town Chair John McNamara.
Meet The Candidates: Sharon Beloin-Saavedra seeks new term on board of education (one of a series about the Democratic candidates for municipal offices)
Board of Education President Sharon Beloin-Saavedra is seeking endorsement for a second four-year term on the Board of Education.
“Voters should know that I am a life long resident of New Britain. I grew up here, went to school here and am choosing to raise my family here. I am committed to helping children succeed and break down barriers,” said Beloin-Saavedra. The DTC will endorse three candidates at its July 28th meeting.
Let’s Get Congress To Act!
Support urged for Employee Choice Act in Congress
A majority of Americans worry that their children will be worse off than they are. While our families struggle to get by, corporate CEOs are making record profits--all while they're trying hard to deny us a voice on the job. When workers are free to choose to join a union, our economy can work for everyone again. That's why we need the Employee Free Choice Act--a bill in Congress that would make it easier for workers to join together and bargain for wages that support a family and quality, affordable healthcare. This bill will make it easier for workers to unite on the job, imposing stiff penalties for corporations who fire or intimidate workers who try to form unions and giving workers a seat at the table so they can negotiate their contracts just like CEOs do.
The Employee Free Choice Act: (1)Makes it easier for working people to join unions by giving employees the choice to form a union and taking away corporations' veto powers; (2) Helps America's working families improve their standard of living. Workers in unions earn 30 percent higher wages and are 63 percent more likely to have employer-provided health insurance; (3) Fixes a broken system that gives corporations and CEOs far too much power. When workers try and organize unions, they are often harassed and intimidated; 25 percent of companies unlawfully fire pro-union workers; (4) Restores fairness and the promise of the American Dream, with a robust middle class, economic growth, and shared prosperity.
It's time our economy worked for everyone again. It's time for the Employee Free Choice Act. Ask Congress to act favorably at http://action.seiu.org/page/s/majoritysignup
Additional information available at www.seiu.org
Health Care With Public Option Is Priority
With the CT Legislature’s veto override and passage of a Sustinet Health coverage reform plan, attention will now focus on President Obama’s health care legislation that will be up for debate and Congressional action in the fall.
Sustinet provides for a policy making process that is not dominated by insurance lobbyists and interests. “Under SustiNet, we do anticipate affordable public health insurance options starting in 2012,” said Juan A. Figueroa, president of the Universal Health Foundation, which led a broad-based, nonpartisan coalition for passage. “Connecticut is now positioned on the national health reform stage, surpassing Massachusetts with a smart plan that will expand coverage and lead us on the road to better health and health care.”
At the federal level, U.S. Senator Chris Dodd is one of Congress’ leading advocates for a health care plan with a public option: “We have a unique opportunity to make a difference for millions of Americans who are caught between the cracks of our current health insurance system. We all know someone who is uninsured or underinsured, someone who has had to battle their insurance company to cover desperately needed medical care. President Obama has been providing important leadership on this issue, pushing for strong reform, trying to work with Democrats and Republicans to make health care for all a reality. Stand up against the political games and stand up for real leadership on health care reform.”
For more information and to sign the petition go to