It's Time To Get Out The Vote: Pasta Supper For O'Brien Kicks Off Stretch Run
A pasta supper for Rep. Tim O'Brien, Democratic nominee for mayor, will kick off the stretch run toward the municipal election on Sunday, October 18th, from 1-4 p.m. at at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, 41 Veterans Drive, New Britain. O'Brien will be joined by members of the Democratic slate, state party leaders and elected officials. The suggested donation for the O'Brien for New Britain 2009 event is $20.
Five Ways To Help Tim O'Brien and the Democratic slate. Vote Row B November 3rd. Your time and support are needed now.
- Visit the Headquarters, 46 Broad Street 223-9125
- Make calls, enourage your neighbors to vote Election Day, November 3rd
= Drop literature in the neighborhoods/sign up new voters
- Send cards to family, friends and neighbors
- Get an O’Brien for Mayor lawn sign
Stewart Criticizes Tax Relief Plan; O'Brien Reiterates Need For Change
Rep. Tim O'Brien, the Democratic candidate for Mayor, responded to Republican criticisms of the actions he would take to reduce the property tax burden
O'Brien has asserted that 90 percent of property owners have experienced tax increases because of revaluation. He has called for implementation of local property tax relief for seniors, extending relief to all homeowners via a strong anti-blight assessment ordinance and building support for statewide reform that would reduce the over reliance on property levies to pay for schools and municipal services.
Republican Stewart opposes a local senior relief program and stated that revenues gained from anti-blight assessments cannot be used to lower the tax burden. Stewart has also opposed property tax changes in state law proposed by O'Brien that have been vetoed by Gov. Rell.
"When I first decided to run for Mayor, I said that some politicians think it is their job to lower people's expectations and to tell them why things cannot be done," said O'Brien. "I believe in my heart that we can do better, improving neighborhoods, ensuring quality education and lowering unfair property tax burdens."
"We can and should do what we can, as a community, to help homeowners and especially senior citizens by lowering unfair property tax burdens," said O'Brien. "That is why I have fought on behalf of the people of New Britain for property tax reform in the state legislature, and it is why the people of our city can count on me to work hard for them as Mayor."
O'Brien said he disagreed with Tim Stewart's interpretation of state law allowing for anti-blight assessments, which O'Brien plans to use to force the owners of blighted buildings to pay for the costs they cause for the people who live in New Britain. "Over the years, as I have gone door to door talking with the people of our city," said O'Brien, "I have seen how frustrated people are that some politicians make excuses for why problems cannot be solved when, instead, we need leaders who find ways to get things done. That is why I am running for Mayor."
Municipal Debate October 20 at City Hall
The League of Women Voters New Britain Area and the New Britain Herald are sponsoring municipal debates in New Britain and Berlin. The New Britain Debate will be held in the Common Council Chambers in New Britain City Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. The candidates for Alderman will debate first and the candidates for Mayor will follow the alderman. Questions for the candidates can be submitted to lwvnba@lwvct.org or in writing at the debates.
Town Committee Meeting, Gourmet Pizza Party For Row B Thursday, October 22
A gourmet pizza party, originally scheduled for Monday 10/19, will be held Thursday, Oct. 22nd, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Democratic headquarters 46 Broad Street. The suggested donation is $20 for the Town Committee event that will benefit GOTV activities for the Democratic candidates. A Town Committee meeting will follow the party. On the agenda will be an update on the status of legislation on health coverage in Congress, an update on the municipal campaign and vacancies for Justices of the Peace.
Catanzaro To Hold Fundraiser October 23rd; Seeks Re-election At Large
Supporters of Councilor At Large Paul Catanzaro, seeking re-election to the Common Council, will hold a fundraiser on Friday, October 23rd from 5 to 8 p.m. at 44 Eddy Glover Boulevard The suggested donation for the Re-Elect CATANZARO "09" event is $30.
Catanzaro, employed at the parks and recreation department, said that his key priorities in a new term will be property tax relief, public safety and economic development. A member and past President of AFSCME Local 1186 and delegate to AFSCME's Council 4, Catanzaro has long been active as a volunteer in the community, including the Italian Fraternal Society, Care of Services and the Human Recources Agency. He also served as an officer on the New Britain Labor Council.
End Quote: On "Pricing The Kids Out" of big league games
Almost every adult I’ve ever spoken with who went to a baseball or football game as a child remembers the shock of entering the stadium and then suddenly coming upon the glorious expanse of emerald green grass, sparkling beneath the sun or the brilliant lights at night games..
I remember that those games seemed to go by with the speed of light. The seventh and eighth innings — or the fourth quarter in football — used to come so fast. You never wanted it to be over.
Maybe this is not the biggest issue facing the country, but I can’t help feeling we’re making a big mistake pricing these games out of the reach of today’s boys and girls who are growing up in families of modest means
New York Times' columnist Bob Herbert, October 17, 2009
NBDTC Post Office Box 2112, New Britain , CT 06050
New Britain Democrat e-letters and updates
may be found at http://newbritaindemocrat.blogspot.com
Labor donated and paid for by. New Britain Democratic Town Committee.
John Valengavich Treasurer. Approved by John McNamara