Central Connecticut State University will be hosting a forum at 4 pm on Wednesday, September 26 to discuss: "The War, The Surge, and Staying the Course in Iraq." The panel includes Brigadier General Ret. John Johns and Michael O'Hanlon, a Brookings Institute scholar. The forum will be moderated by former Democratic candidate for Senate Ned Lamont, an adjunct faculty member in philosophy and political science this semester. "Connecticut helped kick off the debate about our military strategy in Iraq last year, so it seems appropriate that we get an update from two experts with different views on the war," said Lamont who remains politicially active since his U.S. Senate run last year. "Congress is still trying to make up its mind, what next. Maybe they should fly up to CCSU and listen in."
General Johns served in Vietnam and has written extensively on military strategy including: Counter Insurgency Operations: Mission Impossible. After retiring from the Army, he served as Assistant Secretary of Defense, Professor at The National Defense University at Fort McNair, and he is on the Board of the Council for a Livable World. Michael O'Hanlon returned from Iraq last summer and co-wrote a much discussed piece in The New York Times: "A War We Might Just Win." He is author of Hard Power: The New Politics of National Security.
The CCSU forum is open to the public and will take place from 4-5:15 at Founders Hall in the Administration Building at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain. Free parking is available at the Student Center parking lot, accessible via Ella Grasso Blvd.
- the 2007 municipal campaign and Get Out The Vote activities
- a vacancy for recording secretary on the Town Committee
- Justice of the Peace appointments to fill current vacancies.
All Democrats are welcome to attend. For more information newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
Gregory Gerratana Campaign To Hold Fund Raiser, Wednesday, September 26
A reception in honor of Gregory J. Gerratana, candidate for city council in Ward 1, will be held Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 5-7 p.m.at Great Taste Chinese Restaurant, 597 Main Street, New Britain. The suggested donation is $75 Program advertising is available.
GOTV Supper For Democratic Slate Thursday (9/27) at Italian Fraternal Society
There will be a GOTV Supper for the Democratic slate on Thursday, September 27th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Italian Fraternal Society, 131 Monroe Street. Cost is $20 per person; table sponsors $100. Call 827-9469 to make a reservation. An NBDTC event.
Wyskiewicz For Mayor Saturday Meetings
The Wyskiewicz For Mayor Committee holds weekly meetings on Saturdays at 9 a.m. at the Pulaski Democratic Club, 89 Grove Street. For more information www.jim4mayor.com