The Democratic Town Committee will meet Monday, September 21, at 7 p.m. at campaign headquarters, 46 Broad Street. On tap will be the 2009 municipal campaign and discussion of a Board of Education vacancy created by the resignation of Democrat Peter Kochol who stepped down recently.
State Rep. Tim O'Brien (D-24), the mayoral nominee, is expected to outline part of his plans for jobs creation in the city. All members and friends are urged to attend. For more information:
New Council Resolution Seeks To Protect Senior Property Relief Funds
A resolution to be introduced at the New Britain Common Council Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, will seek to restrict use of funds appropriated for property tax relief for senior citizens, veterans and persons with disabilities.
The issue has been a bone of contention between Mayor Stewart and the Common Council for at least two budget cycles on the release of appropriated funds for earned property tax reduction. The new measure would hold funds in a special account or what could be termed a "lock box" earmarked only for senior tax relief.
The Stewart administration has come down against extending property tax relief to seniors over and above a state property tax credit program.
The Council meeting will be held at City Hall on Wednesday, September 23rd, with public participation beginning at 7 p.m.
The Democratic Slate (one of a series)
Phil Sherwood Seeks New Term In Ward Four
The Committee for Ward 4 Alderman Phil Sherwood's re-election will hold a fund-raising event on Thursday, September 24th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Italian Fraternal Society, 131 Monroe Street.
The suggested donation is $30.

Sherwood, a first-term alderman, outlined four key issues facing the city in seeking his aldermanic nomination: access to good paying jobs, alternatives to the over reliance on property taxes, the quality of education and programs for youth and the need for city government to work on long-term planning.
“Over this first term my work for positive change and responsive government has included more transparency at City Hall, protecting families and children from potential environmental hazards, keeping our neighborhoods quiet and peaceful, and moving New Britain towards becoming a city our residents are proud of," said Sherwood in a statement to his supporters. “Challenging the status quo has brought harsh criticism and threats. But my experiences talking to my constituents door-to-door are the driving force behind everything I do as their elected representative.”
Sherwood, first elected to the Common Council in 2007, is the Deputy Director of the Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG). He is a 2000 graduate of the University of Hartford’s Hartt School of Music . He resides on Commonwealth Avenue with his wife, Dena Fleno, and son Miles.
Denuzze Is Victor In Town Clerk Primary
Incumbent Town and City Clerk Peter Denuzze won the primary for Town and City Clerk against Ald. Suzanne Bielinski, the endorsed candidate, with approximately 10 percent of registered Democrats going to the polls. New Britain Democrats congratulate Denuzze on his hard-earned victory.
National League of Women Voters (LWV) Under Attack From Opponents of Health Care Reform
It appears that not even a respected, nonpartisan citizen organization is immune from forces within and sympathetic to the Republican Party's right wing.
League of Women Voters leaders are appealing for support across the nation against what they call "intentional lies, disorderly conduct and threatening and confusing actions" by opponents of health care reform currently before Congress.
In a message to members, LWVUS President Mary Wilson said her organization is a target of an organization calling itself the “League of American Voters.”
This group, says Wilson, "is conducting an advertising campaign against health care reform that seeks to undermine public support by sowing fear and mistrust. We sent a letter calling them to task for using a name clearly designed to be confused with the League of Women Voters in order to disseminate misleading information and block health care reform. We asked them to reveal the major sources of funding for the advertising campaign. Their response? A blast email to their followers condemning the League of Women Voters."
Wilson continues: “We have begun to get disruptive and downright rude phone calls and emails from “supporters” of the so-called League of American Voters. We are arranging for greater security due to a variety of threats that have been made. And we’ve begun exploring what legal options are available to help us protect our name in the face of those who are misusing it.
In seeking contributions to fend off the "League of American Voters" the LWV repeated its resolve to push for health care for all Americans: "Make no mistake: The League of Women Voters believes quality, affordable health care should be available to all Americans. As a 90-year-old membership organization that is one of the most trusted nonpartisan voices in the United States, we know that health care reform must protect coverage for those who have it, provide coverage for those who desperately need it, and protect us all against skyrocketing costs." More information at