O’Brien Unveils Property Tax Relief Initiative
Democratic Mayoral candidate Tim O'Brien has announced Friday his plan to address high and rising property taxes in New Britain -- responding to tax hikes that have hit "the overwhelming majority of taxpayers under the current City Hall."
“I believe that New Britain needs a Mayor who fights strongly for reform to lower unfair property tax burdens,” said O'Brien.
Rep. O'Brien (D-24), known as the toughest fighter in the state legislature for property tax reform, announced his three point plan:
• Enacting local senior property tax relief to increase relief provided under the current state-funded relief program and to extend relief to seniors whose incomes are modest but exceed current limits under the state program.
• Extend property tax relief to all homeowners by requiring owners of blighted buildings in the city to pay their fair share through a strong anti-blight assessment ordinance.
• Strongly advocacy for state property tax reform.
“It breaks my heart to see many senior citizens struggle to pay their bills and stay in their homes because of property tax unfairness,” said O'Brien. “Senior property tax relief is just the right thing to do.” O'Brien added, “And it is unfair to homeowners who work hard to keep up their properties that they are paying more in taxes, while the owners of blighted buildings get the benefit of lower assessments exactly because they don't keep up their properties. That is unfair, it is wrong and it will change when I am Mayor.”
O'Brien builds his local property tax reform plan on a strong track record in the legislature fighting for property tax reform, including winning property tax relief by expanding the state property tax credit to $500, gaining tens of millions of dollars in new state aid to New Britain that kept property taxes from rising even higher and winning approval of important property tax reform that would have provided millions of dollars tax relief to New Britain taxpayers each year (a measure that was vetoed by Republican Gov. Jodi Rell).
O'Brien added, “I have already told my colleagues in the legislature that, as Mayor of New Britain, they can expect to see me at the State Capitol fighting hard for property tax reform, state property tax relief and state support for education and other local services. I have my program for property tax relief in New Britain. I also plan to be the most active Mayor in the state advocating for reform of unfair property taxes.”
Support Tim O'Brien for Mayor at a pasta supper on Sunday October 18th from 1-4 pm at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall, 41 Veterans Drive, New Britain. The suggested donation is $20. Tickets and information: 223-9125. An O'Brien for New Britain 2009 event. Monica Hermanowski-Defronzo Treasurer. Approved by Tim O'Brien
Roy Centeno seeks new term in Ward 5; Fundraiser Sunday, October 11

The Centeno for City Council Committee will hold a wine and cheese fundraiser for Ward 5 Councilor Roy Centeno on Sunday, October 11, from 2:30 to 5 pm at the Centenos' 289 Slater Road home. There is a suggested donation of $25 in support of Centeno who is seeking a second term on the Council representing residents who vote at Gaffney, DiLoreto and Holmes schools in the city's northwest area.
Centeno, a retired police officer and detective and product of the Connecticut Police Academy, has been active in the community in mentoring youth for the New Britain Youth Bureau and ASPIRA. He was court liaison for Central CT State University and formerly served as a city Health Commissioner. Centeno is running on the Democratic slate in Ward 5 with Carlo Carlozzi, Jr.
Mike Trueworthy Seeks Re-election at large; Tuesday, October 13, Fundraiser
The Trueworthy for Common Council Committee will hold a fundraiser for Council at large and majority leader Mike Trueworthy's re-election on Tuesday, October 13, from 6-8 p.m. at the home of Gerri Brown-Springer, 15 Brookside Road.

Trueworthy, a member of the Common Council since 2003 and former Chair of the Board of Assessment Appeal, said he is committed to continue work on the financial well being of the city and improving policies on blight and neighborhood reinvestment, senior tax relief and upgrades to public facilities. Trueworthy resides on Monroe Street with his wife Elena and two daughters, Nadia and Abigail.
Ward 3's Silvia Cruz seeks new term; Thursday, Oct. 15 fundraiser planned
Supporters of Ward 3 Councilor Silvia Cruz will gather on Thursday, October 15, from 6-8 p.m. at the home of DTC member Vicky Ramos, 98 Willow Street, for a fundraiser for the Cruz campaign in voting districts 5,7 and 8.

In seeking re-election to a fourth two-year term, Cruz cited her work on the Council: "I am proud to have been a part of many actions that the Council has taken. We as a Council voted to create the Building Commission, adopted a resolution for zoning the North Street areas as one for business and supported the environmental clean up of the Willow Street Park and its rehabilitation as a part for residents."
"I want to continue to serve the people of ward 3 so I can help to continue to revitalize neighborhoods and be their voice at the city level."
Gourmet Pizza Party for Row B Democrats Monday October 19th
A gourmet pizza party will be held at the Roma Restaurant on Allen Street on Monday, Oct. 19th from 6-8 p.m. at the Roma Restaurant on Allen Street. The suggested donation is $20. Placemat ads are available. An NBDTC event.
League, Herald Sponsor Municipal Debate October 20 at City Hall
The League of Women Voters New Britain Area and the New Britain Herald are sponsoring municipal debates in New Britain and Berlin. The Berlin debate will include the candidates for Town Council and will be held on Oct. 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Berlin Peck Memorial Library. The New Britain Debate will be held in the Common Council Chambers in New Britain City Hall on Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. The candidates for Alderman will debate first and the candidates for Mayor will follow the alderman. Questions for the candidates can be submitted to lwvnba@lwvct.org or in writing at the debates.
End Quote:
Mayor Stewart On Slumlords “They’re businessmen….”
"We don't call people names who are building owners in New Britain, at least I don't. They're businessmen, too," Stewart replied. "And they provide a roof for people. It may not be in the best condition, but it's still a home."
Hartford Courant, October 8, 2009
New Britain Democratic Town Committee
PO Box 2112, New Britain,CT 06053
John Valengavish, Treasurer
Approved by John McNamara