A comment from http://nbpoliticus.blogspot.
The resignation of former Mayor William McNamara from the city ethics commission adds another partisan twist to the sorry state of affairs on a board charged with keeping municipal officials honest.
The Courant and Herald covered McNamara's move this past week.
Billy Mac, a supporter of the incumbent Mayor and the emcee at Stewart's inaugurals, derided a decision by the Common Council not to accept a ruling against Ald. Paul Catanzaro for participating in a Council discussion related to work at the Parks and Recreation Department. Republican Ald. Lou Salvio, a prolific filer of official complaints against Democrats, brought the original charge. On the first go around the ethics commission threw out the allegation. But it got a second life as the Herald's James Craven reports:
A quorum of the commission dismissed the complaint 2-1, but on Dec. 22, commissioner Jill Kemp, a Republican, made a motion to reconsider the dismissal. During a Jan. 21 meeting, the commission heard testimony and added two letters to its investigation. After reviewing the material, Republican commissioners William Dworski, Jill Kemp and Carmelo Rodriguez, along with Democrats Kemp and McNamara, voted unanimously that Catanzaro be reprimanded for two violations.The reconsideration has brought charges from Democrats that Salvio openly violated the ethics rules himself by disclosing information that is supposed to remain under wraps as part of the ethics process. And then there is the matter of Billy Mac himself. Members of the ethics commission, while they can contribute to political candidates, may not endorse or campaign for a candidate. By all accounts, former Mayor McNamara has been a public supporter of Stewart during his re-election bids. READ MORE at http://nbpoliticus.blogspot.com
Town Committee Creates Nominating Committee For Municipal Offices
A five-member nominating committee was created by the Democratic Town Committee at its February 19th to review candidacies and issues for the November 3rd municipal election. The Town Committee will endorse a slate of candidates in July, including mayor, tax collector, treasurer, 15 for common council seats, two for board of assessment appeals and four constables for two-year terms. The Town and City Clerk and three Board of Education seats will be endorsed for four-year terms.
All candidates will be asked to complete a questionnaire as part of the endorsement process, according to Town Chair John McNamara. The candidate form and additional information are available with inquiries to newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com. The nominating committee will provide a report on issues and candidate recommendations for a vote by all members at the endorsement meeting in the summer. Serving on the committee are Carlo Carlozzi, Francisco Cuin, Frank Gerratana Rosemary Klotz and Emma Pierce.
Common Council Meets This Week: February 25
The Common Council will hold its second meeting of the month Wednesday in Council Chambers at New Britain City Hall. Public participation starts at 7:00pm. The Common Council meeting immediately follows public participation. Town committee members and interested citizens are urged to attend.
Save The Dates: Town Committee Meeting and Municipal Election Schedule
(All meetings on Thursdays unless otherwise noted)
March 19, April 30, May 21, June 18.
July: The Committee is required to meet between July 21 and July 28 for city office endorsements
August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Primary Day: September 15 (if necessary)
Election Day: November 3
A five-member nominating committee was created by the Democratic Town Committee at its February 19th to review candidacies and issues for the November 3rd municipal election. The Town Committee will endorse a slate of candidates in July, including mayor, tax collector, treasurer, 15 for common council seats, two for board of assessment appeals and four constables for two-year terms. The Town and City Clerk and three Board of Education seats will be endorsed for four-year terms.
All candidates will be asked to complete a questionnaire as part of the endorsement process, according to Town Chair John McNamara. The candidate form and additional information are available with inquiries to newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com. The nominating committee will provide a report on issues and candidate recommendations for a vote by all members at the endorsement meeting in the summer. Serving on the committee are Carlo Carlozzi, Francisco Cuin, Frank Gerratana Rosemary Klotz and Emma Pierce.
Common Council Meets This Week: February 25
The Common Council will hold its second meeting of the month Wednesday in Council Chambers at New Britain City Hall. Public participation starts at 7:00pm. The Common Council meeting immediately follows public participation. Town committee members and interested citizens are urged to attend.
Save The Dates: Town Committee Meeting and Municipal Election Schedule
(All meetings on Thursdays unless otherwise noted)
March 19, April 30, May 21, June 18.
July: The Committee is required to meet between July 21 and July 28 for city office endorsements
August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Primary Day: September 15 (if necessary)
Election Day: November 3