Celebrating the Life of Tony Norris -- Sunday, December 9th
Friends and associates of Urban Oaks Organic Farm Founder Tony Norris will hold a dinner buffet and program in celebration of his life on Sunday, December 9th, at 4 p.m. at the Marchegian Society Ballroom, 40 Acorn Street. [Photo Credit: John Woike, The Hartford Courant, April 21, 2006]
Norris, 59, died November 18th after a long battle with cancer. The New Britain native, a citizen activist who helped many Democratic candidates through the years, established Urban Oaks in 1999 with his partner, Mike Kandefer. The former Sandelli Florist property on Oak Street, blighted and unused, was converted into a working organic farm serving the public and restaurants throughout the state. It is considered one of the largest urban farms in the Northeast.
Interested persons may RSVP for the dinner to Maria Agramonte-Gomez at (860) 826-7585 or by e-mail to the Urban Oaks Farm at urbanoaks@earthlink.net. There is no admission charge but financial contributions in memory of Norris are encouraged to: Urban Oaks Farm, c/o Human Resources Agency of New Britain, 180 Clinton Street, New Britain, CT 06053.
League To Discuss Immigration At Monday (11/26) Meeting
A committee of the local chapter of the League of Women Voters (LWV) will present positions on immigration at a Monday, November 26th meeting at 6:30 p.m. at First Church on Corbin Avenue. League members may vote on a position on the issue which is expected to be a major point of debate during the 2008 Presidential Election. If the New Britain/Berlin chapter, and other chapters around the country agree on a position, the LWV will advocate for reform legislation. Admission is free
Remembering Bill O'Neill: Connecticut's Long-serving Governor, "Common Man"
Former Gov. Bill O'Neill, 77, died Saturday at his lakefront home in Easthampton. There are many deserved tributes that collectively convey a politician who never forgot his roots and who was more comfortable if people called him "Bill" instead of "Governor." Appropriately, the endowed professorship at Central CT State University for the former Governor is named the "Governor William A. O'Neill Endowed Chair in Public Policy and Practical Politics." A Koren war veteran, O'Neill ran his family's tavern, joined the Democratic Town Committee in 1954 and won election to the legislature in 1966. Paying those political dues led to his elevation to House Majority Leader and successor to John Bailey as State Party Chair. He was tapped for Lt. Governor by the legendary Ella Grasso and, assuming gubernatorial responsibility because of Grasso's fatal illness, would go on to lead the state through good times and bad for more than two full terms. His administrations worked closely with Democratic legislative leaders who included at the time State Senate President John Larson, House Speaker Irving Stolberg, House Leader William Cibes and New Britain's State Senator Joe Harper, who served as Co-Chair of the Legislature's Appropriations Committee. From his official biography: "Governor O'Neill characterized his approach to public service as being governed by a few basic rules: "to use common sense to solve problems; work with my colleagues to achieve sound and responsible government; and use my knowledge and experience for the benefit of all of our citizens." (from Press release, March 4, 1982) As Democrats look toward the gubernatorial race in 2010, O'Neill will be fondly remembered for his "common touch" and as the last member of his party to hold the corner office.
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