A Coalition of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and other organizations will sponsor a forum with Cong Chris Murphy (D-5) in New Britain on April 18th at the Pulaski Democratic Club, 89 Grove Street. The forum will be held from 10 a.m. to noon.
President Obama and Cong. Murphy have embraced Health Care for America Now (HCAN) principles which state that "all of us benefit from healthy communities, where we all have access to affordable, quality health care from a provider of our choice, at the time we need it, at a cost we can afford. Our mutual goal is affordable, quality health care for everyone in America and for our nation."A statement form the SEIU coalition on the forum says: "Now is time to fix our health care system. Come and share your story about how and why our health care system needs to be reformed, and hear about the latest reform proposals before Congress. Learn how you can get involved in bringing health care reform to America now!
Please Contact Stacey for more information or to RSVP. Stacey Zimmerman SEIU - CT State Council stacey@ccag.net 203-733-0173. Additional information is available at www.healthcareforamericanow.Rell, GOP Missing In Action On Budget Talks
Democratic legislative leaders were awaiting word on Monday (April 6) from Governor Rell on when she will be available to begin negotiations on a new two-year budget that begins on July 1.
Democratic-led appropriations and finance committees unveiled a fiscal plan last Thursday, as reported by CT News Junkie, that addresses a monumental deficit that may reach $10 billion without tax increases and budget cuts. On the spending side the Democratic plan cuts Rell's proposed spending by almost $150 million but preserves many education and a social safety net programs. The centerpiece of the Democrat's revenue plan is adoption of a progress income tax that would raise rates on a graduated scale in upper income brackets. Rell is said to be adamantly opposed to income tax hikes despite her call two years ago to underwrite an education initiative with $3 billion in tax increases when the economy was relatively stable. Other aspects of the revenue plan would end exemptions on various sales tax items and elimination of the $500 property tax credit on all but low-income people. The Democrats' use of these regressive measures is unusual and underscores the steep shortfall the state will find itself in on July 1.
Democrats called for immediate talks with the administration, but Rell has thus far refused to begin discussions on a bipartisan compromise. The Legislature's Republican caucus, meanwhile, has refused to offer any budget proposals and continues to be missing in action on the most serious fiscal crisis the state has faced the state in a generation. GOP rhetoric rails against state spending and invokes the "no new taxes" pledge but Republican leaders have offered few specifics on how they would address the deficit problem and maintain core state services. Rell's initial budget, according to nonpartisan accounts, has been estimated to be more than $2 billion out of balance.
The Administration and a coalition of public employee unions has been engaging in serious talks on concessions that would increase health care premiums and related costs for all state workers, impose as many as seven payless furlough days over the next two years, assess employees a 3% of gross income fee toward retirement health insurance and offer a retirement incentive program that would allow eligible personnel to leave state service. Labor concessions, if agreed to by all sides, could save upwards of $800 million and would be part of a no lay-off agreement for two or three years.
Registered Voters Drop To 32,817 In March
The number of registered voters declined in March from 33,258 to 32,817 -- a decrease of 441. The March 31st totals include 17,673 Democrats (53.8%), 11,376 Unaffiliated (34.6%) and 3,593 Republicans (10.9%).
End Quote
Labor donated. New Britain Democratic Town Committee. John Valengavich Treasurer.
Approved by John McNamara
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