DeFronzo Hits Rell's Cuts To Dial-A-Ride, Education In New Britain
State Senator Don DeFronzo (D-6), the Senate Chair of the Transportation Committee, strongly opposed the Rell administration's budget that would cut aid to the city's Dial-A-Ride program, among other serious reductions in state assistance to New Britain.
In remarks last week at the Democratic Town Committee's Pierogi Night, DeFronzo, cited Rell's proposed elimination of Dial-A-Ride as a serious blow to hundreds of seniors and disabled persons in the city. He also pointed to 10 percent reductions to special education, Head Start and other programs for families and children, calling them "very painful" and an unacceptable way to trim state spending in the current economic recession. "These cuts are ill-advised," said DeFronzo, saying that the Legislature would be passing an alternative budget in the next few days.
Stated DeFronzo: "We know there has to be budget cuts to balance the budget. But the Governor has taken a meat clever approach. This fight is going to go on for a period of time."
Echoing remarks last week by New Britain State Rep. John Geragosian (D-25), the House Chair of the Appropriations Committee, DeFronzo said state budget cuts need to be done "in an intelligent way. We don’t need to cut fundamentally important programs that fall disproportionately hard on urban centers and poor people."
Both the Democratic controlled House and Senate appear poised to pass a balanced budget this week that will address a deficit pegged at more than $8 billion. This proposal may include a combination of cuts. consolidations and tax increases on the state's wealthier households -- the group that currently bears less tax liability than working and middle income people when all local, state and federal taxes are counted.
At this juncture, lawmakers appear to need veto proof majorities because of Rell's instransigence and apparent indifference to serious negotiations to adoption of a budget in the early days of the new fiscal year.
Berlin Votes On Automated Trash At Tuesday Referendum: Proponents Urge A No Vote
A petition brought by interests opposed to instituting automated trash pick up in the Town of Berlin will be held Tuesday, June 23rd in a town wide vote.
The plan to move to an automated system that is currently used in New Britain and other surrounding towns would save money and ease the burden of trash removal for many citizens, according to former Town Councillor Linda Cimadon.
Berlin voters have the last word on the issue on Tuesday at the American Legion.
"Having been a council member for eight years," writes Cimadon, "I recognize the importance of saving taxpayers' money. The new automated system will do just that. The fact that the trash companies are moving away from manual service also meant that they not only raised their prices for that type of service but also added more restrictions on the manual collections. I have an aunt and uncle in Newington, ages 83 and 84, who have only good things to say about the automated system. My uncle has bad knees and my aunt recently had both knees replaced. They have no problems bringing the container to the front of their property for pick up. They feel it is easier to handle than the ones sold in stores plus the street is much cleaner since there isn't any trash blowing around."
Use of automated trash pick up is gaining ground throughout the country. As in New Britain, Berlin residents would receive a free, durable container to put out the trash every week. Residents would not have to purchase containers of their own. Environmentalists point out that litter and clutter on streets decreases because containers are large and have covers to prevent spillage.
Council Meeting Wednesday, June 27th: To Avoid Deficit, City May Sell Hospital Garage
The New Britain Common Council will holds its final regular meeting of this fiscal year on Wednesday, June 24th, and will be asked to consider new proposals from Mayor Stewart on sales of property and municipal assets. The administration's projected sales of property over the last three years have not materialized, prompting the need for new moves to avoid a deficit one week before the fiscal year ends.
In the most surprising development, city officials will take up a plan to sell the municipal garage adjacent to the Hospital of Central Connecticut earlier than expected. The municipal garage is a lucrative source of parking income for the city, but the need for millions of dollars in new one-time revenue has put the parking facility on the sell list to the hospital.
The Mayor and Common Council still await final action on the state budget. A $216 million budget was adopted this month that held the line on the tax rate.