Primary Update: New, Unaffiliated Deadline For Primary Is Monday at Noon
New and unaffiliated voters have until noon on Monday, February 4th, to register as Democrats for Tuesday’s Presidential Primary. New Britain City Hall is located at 27 West Main Street. The Registrar’s office is located on the 5th floor.
For polling locations and additional information about Primary Day e-mail: newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
Senator Obama and Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) will appear at a rally on Monday in Hartford at the XL Center (formerly the Hartford Civic Center) on the eve of the primary. Senator Hillary Clinton is reported to be planning a visit in the state on Monday prior to her return to New York for Super Tuesday..
Information on all the presidential campaigns in Connecticut may be found at http://www.ctdems.org/convention.htm
A Super Sunday For Peace: Anti-War Protest at John McCain Campaign Rally
State Party Chair Denounces Lieberman For Backing McCain
Connecticut’s coalition for an end to the war in Iraq is organizing a protest at Sen. John McCain’s campaign rally on Sunday, February 3rd, at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield. The anti-war rally begins at noon to oppose the positions taken by McCain and Senator Joseph Lieberman who has endorsed McCain, and will join the Republican on the Sacred Heart campus.
Protest organizers call McCain “the most pro-war candidate for President in 2008. McCain has been a staunch supporter of the War on Iraq, and is an advocate of going to war with Iran.” For more information; contact John Murphy murphy@ccag.net 860-995-3389 or Dan Diaz dan@ccag.net 860-233-2132. The coalition’s website is http://www.ctcow.org/
In a related development, Democratic State Party Chair Nancy DiNardo has denounced Lieberman’s support for McCain. She issued the following statement on Feb. 1:
“I continue to be disappointed beyond words with Joe Lieberman, as are a lot of Connecticut Democrats -- saddened, surprised, and truly disheartened by just how completely he has abandoned the Democratic principles that have guided him over the years and the Party whose members have supported him and helped him achieve his goals. As recently as 18 months ago, Senator Lieberman was telling us Democrats that he shares our values, and with the exception of Iraq, that he agrees with us on the issues we care so much about -- critically important issues like a woman’s right to choose, tax and economic policies, healthcare and education. Moreover, in July of 2006, Senator Lieberman even stated that he intended to work to help a Democrat get into the White House in 2008. His endorsement of Senator McCain means he either doesn’t care about the issues noted above, or he’s putting politics ahead of people. If you look at Senator McCain’s voting record, and campaign platform – on these, and many other issues we care about – you’ll understand why I am saying this. This is a man, Senator McCain, who proudly says he was a “foot soldier” in the Reagan Revolution. Senator McCain is wrong on the issues we Democrats care so much about—and he’s wrong by a lot. I am proud to stand with my fellow Democrats and announce that we as a Party will grow stronger and do everything in our power to make sure a Democrat is elected in November.“
New Britain GOP Chair’s FOI Complaint Called Frivolous
A Freedom of Information complaint filed by Republican Town Committee Chair Paul Carver against Democratic Council Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy is “frivolous” and an “abuse of the FOI process”, according to Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara.
New and unaffiliated voters have until noon on Monday, February 4th, to register as Democrats for Tuesday’s Presidential Primary. New Britain City Hall is located at 27 West Main Street. The Registrar’s office is located on the 5th floor.
For polling locations and additional information about Primary Day e-mail: newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
Senator Obama and Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) will appear at a rally on Monday in Hartford at the XL Center (formerly the Hartford Civic Center) on the eve of the primary. Senator Hillary Clinton is reported to be planning a visit in the state on Monday prior to her return to New York for Super Tuesday..
Information on all the presidential campaigns in Connecticut may be found at http://www.ctdems.org/convention.htm
A Super Sunday For Peace: Anti-War Protest at John McCain Campaign Rally
State Party Chair Denounces Lieberman For Backing McCain
Connecticut’s coalition for an end to the war in Iraq is organizing a protest at Sen. John McCain’s campaign rally on Sunday, February 3rd, at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield. The anti-war rally begins at noon to oppose the positions taken by McCain and Senator Joseph Lieberman who has endorsed McCain, and will join the Republican on the Sacred Heart campus.
Protest organizers call McCain “the most pro-war candidate for President in 2008. McCain has been a staunch supporter of the War on Iraq, and is an advocate of going to war with Iran.” For more information; contact John Murphy murphy@ccag.net 860-995-3389 or Dan Diaz dan@ccag.net 860-233-2132. The coalition’s website is http://www.ctcow.org/
In a related development, Democratic State Party Chair Nancy DiNardo has denounced Lieberman’s support for McCain. She issued the following statement on Feb. 1:
“I continue to be disappointed beyond words with Joe Lieberman, as are a lot of Connecticut Democrats -- saddened, surprised, and truly disheartened by just how completely he has abandoned the Democratic principles that have guided him over the years and the Party whose members have supported him and helped him achieve his goals. As recently as 18 months ago, Senator Lieberman was telling us Democrats that he shares our values, and with the exception of Iraq, that he agrees with us on the issues we care so much about -- critically important issues like a woman’s right to choose, tax and economic policies, healthcare and education. Moreover, in July of 2006, Senator Lieberman even stated that he intended to work to help a Democrat get into the White House in 2008. His endorsement of Senator McCain means he either doesn’t care about the issues noted above, or he’s putting politics ahead of people. If you look at Senator McCain’s voting record, and campaign platform – on these, and many other issues we care about – you’ll understand why I am saying this. This is a man, Senator McCain, who proudly says he was a “foot soldier” in the Reagan Revolution. Senator McCain is wrong on the issues we Democrats care so much about—and he’s wrong by a lot. I am proud to stand with my fellow Democrats and announce that we as a Party will grow stronger and do everything in our power to make sure a Democrat is elected in November.“
New Britain GOP Chair’s FOI Complaint Called Frivolous
A Freedom of Information complaint filed by Republican Town Committee Chair Paul Carver against Democratic Council Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy is “frivolous” and an “abuse of the FOI process”, according to Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara.
As reported in the Hartford Courant Bebruary 1, Carver’s January 25th letter to the state Freedom of Information Commission in Hartford, Carver alleges that Trueworthy did not give 24 hours’ notice of a resolution at the City Council’s January 23rd meeting. At issue is the Council’s decision to appoint Carmen Aloisi to the Mattabassett District Commission over former Ward 4 Councillor Peter Gostin, whose name had previously been proposed. Carver contends that inadequate notice was given despite the posting of the Mattabassett District vacancy on the regular agenda. “Mr. Carver knows as well as anyone that other names can be proposed from the floor at a regular council meeting when a vacancy is posted,” said McNamara. “His complaint subverts parliamentary procedure and the right of the Council to be the appointing authority. As a former Council member and current Board of Education member, Mr. Carver knows better and should withdraw the complaint immediately.”
McNamara contends that Carver may be subject to a penalty by the Freedom of Information Commission if his complaint is deemed to be frivolous. He cited a section of the law that states in part: “If the commission finds that a person has taken an appeal under this subsection frivolously, without reasonable grounds and solely for the purpose of harassing the agency from which the appeal has been taken, after such person has been given an opportunity to be heard at a hearing conducted in accordance with sections 4-176e to 4-184, inclusive, the commission may, in its discretion, impose against that person a civil penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars.”.
Council Democrats believe Carter’s FOI complaint stems from GOP unhappiness with a new ordinance giving the Council and public the right to access public information at City Hall in a timely manner. City Councillors and other public officials have faced difficulties in recent months in obtaining information from city departments because of a policy by Mayor Stewart that release of information be cleared with his office first.
“Chairman Carver and Mayor Stewart should realize that the municipal campaign is over and that it’s time to reach across the aisle and work cooperatively with Council Democrats in the best interests of the city," said McNamara.
McNamara contends that Carver may be subject to a penalty by the Freedom of Information Commission if his complaint is deemed to be frivolous. He cited a section of the law that states in part: “If the commission finds that a person has taken an appeal under this subsection frivolously, without reasonable grounds and solely for the purpose of harassing the agency from which the appeal has been taken, after such person has been given an opportunity to be heard at a hearing conducted in accordance with sections 4-176e to 4-184, inclusive, the commission may, in its discretion, impose against that person a civil penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars.”.
Council Democrats believe Carter’s FOI complaint stems from GOP unhappiness with a new ordinance giving the Council and public the right to access public information at City Hall in a timely manner. City Councillors and other public officials have faced difficulties in recent months in obtaining information from city departments because of a policy by Mayor Stewart that release of information be cleared with his office first.
“Chairman Carver and Mayor Stewart should realize that the municipal campaign is over and that it’s time to reach across the aisle and work cooperatively with Council Democrats in the best interests of the city," said McNamara.