Vote Will Mark First Use of New Ballots
The Democratic Primary for Ward 5 seats on the New Britain City Council will take place at three polling places on Tuesday, September 11th. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m at
The Council district includes 3,388 registered Democrats who will be eligible to vote in next Tuesday's primary. Endorsed Democrats Roy Centeno and Ald. Lori Rocha (Row A) face incumbent John Carroll in the primary that will mark the city's first use of optically scanned voting cards that are being introduced statewide this year.
Centeno and Rocha received the endorsement of the Democratic Town Committee at its July 24th meeting. "Roy Centeno and Lori Rocha represent a good team on the City Council for Ward 5 residents," said Democratic Town Chair John McNamara. "They will proactively represent residents on neighborhood issues. Residents are going to need strong and independent voices on the council from that area, particularly as the Mayor's office seeks development of
On The Campaign Calendar
Tuesday, September 11: Primary Day in Council District 5. Polls open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Gaffney, DiLoreto and Holmes Schools.
Wednesday, September 12: Registrar of Voters holds lottery to determine order on election ballot of names of candidates for multi-seat offices (e.g. City Council)
Thursday, September 13: U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy (D-5) will hold a second New Britain discussion on Iraq at the Slade Middle School at 7 p.m.
Friday, September 14: State Rep. Elizabeth A. “Betty” Boukus and longtime former Democratic State Central Committee member Rosemary Morante will be honored by local Democrats at the party’s inaugural recognition reception slated for Friday, Sept. 14, 7 to 9:30 p.m., at the Whiting House, 65 Whiting St. Contact Plainville DTC Chair Jason Rupaka; (860) 793-8832.
Sunday, September 16: A Campaign Reception for Ward 3 Ald. Shirley Black will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. at the home of Gerri Brown-Springer, 15 Brookside Road, New Britain. The suggested donation is $25 payable to the Friends of Shirley Black, 301 Tremont Street, New Britain, CT 06051 Information is available at 826-8244.
Thursday, September 20: Wine & Cheese reception for Ward 3 Ald. Silvia Cruz at the home of former BOE member Deidre Ierardi, 130 Hazelmere Road, New Britain from 7 to 9 p.m. The suggested donation is $25 payable to Silvia Cruz for Council, 269 Washington Street, New Britain, CT 06051.
Thursday, September 27: Democratic Town Committee GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Pasta Supper, 6-8 p.m. at the Italian Fraternal Society, 131 Monroe Street. Tickets $20 pp; Table sponsors $100. New Britain Democratic Town Committee, Post Office Box 2112, New Britain, CT 06050.
Community Events
Saturday, September 8: New Britain's Irish Social Club, Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), will hold the 2007 Family Picnic from noon to 5 p.m. at the Quartette Club, Wooster Street, New Britain. $12 pp, $20 Family. SLAINTE!
Saturday, September 15: New Britain Ukrainian Festival at Polanka-Falcon Field, Farmington Avenue, noon-10 p.m. sponsored by St. Josephat Ukrainian Catholic Church. Concert, dance and Ukrainiian Kitchen. Tickets at gate $5.
Saturday, September 22: New Britain Branch NAACP annual Freedom Dinner. 6 p.m. VIP Social Hour; 7 p.m. dinner at CCSU Student Ballroom, Ella Grasso Boulevard, New Britain. $60 pp includes membership; $100 VIP Social/membership; $30 for youth 21 and under. Guest Speaker: Dennis Hightower, former President of Disney Motion Pictures and Television. Information (860) 827-8322, 518-3347, 517-9891 or write: NAACP, P.O. Box 323, New Britain, CT 06050.
End Quote
"When anybody you elect tries to end the war, Bush blocks all intentions with a veto or threats of a veto that prevent it. And his Supreme Court is ready to validate whatever he does, this court with its five Catholic justices, and a chief who falls on his face a couple of times that we know of. Our politicians despair that there can be no way to override Bush and save our young and everybody of any age in Iraq. Of course there is. By all the energy and dignified disgust of a nation that needs it to keep any semblance of greatness, there is an extraordinary need for an impeachment of this president and his vice president. You start an impeachment with an investigator who starts to develop a case. That's what got Nixon out. He had the most expensive, elaborate defense in the world, and when they were pressed his assistants folded and Nixon quit. I wonder whether Bush and his people can do any better when pressed." -- Jimmy Breslin, columnist and author, Newsday, 8/26/2007