Town Committee Meets On March 19 At City Hall
The Democratic Town Committee will meet on Thursday, March 19th, at New Britain City Hall, 27 West Main Street, at 7 p.m. in room 504. The Committee will continue its re-nominations of Justices of the Peace for individuals who were not sworn in at the start of the term in January. Also on the agenda will be voter registration issues. A guest speaker will be announced. The public is invited to attend.
Federal Stimulus: Focus on Children, Families At March 10 Forum
The Connecticut Commission on Children will host a discussion on the federal stimulus' impact on children and families on March 10th from 9 to 11:30 am at the Legislative Office Building's room 2B in Hartford. "The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 gives Connecticut an opportunity to help families address some of the challenges created by the recession, said State Rep. David McCluskey (D-West Hartford). "There will be grants to compete for, incentives for state and local agencies to work together, and—above all—a need for policymakers to find new and cost-effective ways to address the changing needs of the family." A panel of experts from around the country will discuss how the stimulus package may affect Connecticut families in the areas of poverty reduction, health care, early child care, education, and job creation.
More On Federal Stimulus:
DeFronzo Represents State Senate on Economic Recovery Working Group.
State Senator Donald J. DeFronzo (D-New Britain) will play a pivotal role in use of federal stimulus funds for "shovel ready" projects in Connecticut with his appointment to thte "Recovery Working Group" by Senate President Donald Williams.
DeFronzo joins "a broad-based working group of municipal officials, business leaders, state agency heads and other lawmakers organized by Governor M. Jodi Rell to determine the final, prioritized list of “shovel-ready” projects to be funded through the state’s share of the $787 billion federal economic stimulus package," according to a statement last month.
“This working group has an extremely important and intensive task ahead of it, and I’m honored to accept this appointment and contribute to the panel,” said Senator DeFronzo, who chairs the General Assembly’s Transportation Committee. “Connecticut is slated to receive about $3 billion in stimulus funding, much of which will be directed toward transportation and infrastructure improvement. We have a great opportunity with this infusion of federal dollars to create jobs and invest in our state, if we make wise decisions." Williams cited DeFronzo's "grasp of the state's financial systems and his knowledge of the state of the state's infrastructure needs" in making the appointment. DeFronzo is Senate chair of the Legislature's Transportation Committee. Prior to being elected Mayor from 1989 to 1993, he was an officials in the Office of Policy and Management (OPM).
Connecticut is expected to be in line for about $3 billion in federal stimulus funds. According to the Governor's office more than $10 billion in individual projects from local governments and community based organizations have been submitted for consideration. New Britain's list, released by the Mayor's office after a citizen request was made at a February Council meeting, includes $36 million in infrastructure and physical improvements.
The Courant's Rick Green posted a helpful story and links on the "shovel ready" lists for Connecticut in his blog last month at
Municipal Endorsements: Committee Work To Begin In April
The Town Committee's five-member nominations committee will begin reviewing candidate information and developing a party platform in April in the run up to July endorsements for all municipal offices. The Democrats' slate will include Mayor, Town and City Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Common Council (10 District, 5 At large), Board of Education (3), Board of Assessment Appeal (2) and Constable (4). Candidate information forms are available upon request to newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
Voter Update: A February Blues Drop From 2008 High
New Britain voter rolls totaled 33,258 at the end of February with some fall off recorded from 2008 highs of the Presidential Election. The Registrar's office reported 17,873 Democrats (53.8%), 3,625 Republicans (10.8%), 11,581 Unaffiliateds (34.8%) and 179 in minor parties (.7%). The Democratic Town Committee will be organizing voter registration activities during the spring to keep voter enrollment as high as possible for the municipal election.
Around Town This Month (So Far)
Friday March 6 - Accordianist Michael Platosz, son of Ward Two Alderman Adam Platosz, will appear today at 8 p.m. The Amber social Club, 90 John Street, at 8 p.m. Congratulations Mike.
Tuesday March 17 - The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), better known as the New Britain Irish Social Club, will hold its annual, award-winning corned beef and cabbage dinner on St. Patrick's Day from 4 to 8 p.m. Admission is $10. children 10 and under are free. The event will be held at the Assyrian Hall, 40 South Street. The celebration will continue at the club downstairs with live music. Invited guests include Barack O'Bama.
Sunday March 22 - A breakfast fundraiser for the New Britain TRIAD Senior Prom will be held from 8 a.m. to noon at the NB Senior Center on Pearl Street. The Irish-themed event features a menu of sausage, bacon, eggs, hash browns, orange juice and coffee. There will be Irish music, a bake sale and contests for kids. Cost is $5 per adult; $4 for seniors and children under four years old are free. The event is part of the great volunteer organizing work of Police Officer Carol Jezut in making the annual TRIAD Senior Prom possible. That event will be Thursday evening, April 16th at New Britain High School.
Save The Dates: Town Committee Meeting and Municipal Election Schedule
(All meetings on Thursdays unless otherwise noted)
March 19, April 30, May 21, June 18.
July: The Committee is required to meet between July 21 and July 28 for city office endorsements
August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Primary Day: September 15 (if necessary)
Election Day: November 3
New Britain Democrat e-letter: John McNamara, Chair and Editor
New Britain Democrat e-letters and updates may be found at
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