Re-Appointments of Justices of the Peace and controversy involving the city Ethics Commission will be discussed at the first Democratic Town Committee of the year on Thursday, January 29th. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in Room 504 of New Britain City Hall, 27 West Main Street.
A new Justice of the Peace term has begun, but not all Democratic nominees who were endorsed last spring appeared for their swearing in by the January 5th deadline at the Town and City Clerk's office. Democratic Chair John McNamara said that Democrats re-nominated at the meeting will have 10 days to visit the Town Clerk to be sworn in for the term that will end in 2013. The Town Committee will continue to consider Democrats to fill JP vacancies from Democrats who demonstrate their are volunteering in some way in their community.Recent conflicting decisions by the ethics commission involving complaints by Republican Ald. Louis Salvio against Democrats on the Common Council are raising concerns that the ethics panel is being used for partisan attacks. According to McNamara, due process with regard to the ethics regulations and municipal employees who hold elective office have been violated. He said he will be proposing a change in the structure of the ethics board to ensure that it "will not be politicized as has occurred more than once during the Stewart administration."
New Britain Dems On Facebook: Join The Dialogue and A Free Exchange of Ideas
One of the lessons of the 2008 Obama campaign (with a big nod to the pioneering work in 2004 of former Party Chair Howard Dean) was the use of the internet and social networking to get messages out, mobilize volunteers and easily communicate issues and concerns individually and collectively.
Meet ups, text messaging, e-invites and on-line communication will now be indispensable to all state and national campaigns. They can also provide a low-cost/no-cost citizenship tool for city and town politics. There is now a home for the New Britain Democratic Party on Facebook with the formation of a group that can be a forum for raising issues and concerns in an online community that will not be anonymous, will value all opinions and show mutual respect for all members. Joining Facebook, the social network tool, is free at
State Party Officers Re-Elected: New Britain's Emma Pierce Retains Treasurer Post
Incumbent officers of the Democratic State Central Committee were re-elected January 22nd in Hartford, including Emma Pierce, state central committeewoman and member of the Town Committee from District 6. Besides Pierce, other incumbent officers re-elected were Chairman Nancy DiNardo, Vice Chairman Rep. Steve Fontana and Secretary Barbara Gordon. Thanks to State Central Committeewoman Audrey Blondin of Litchfield for her update on State Central.
End Quote"Your election to this high office has inspired people as few other events in recent times have done. Amidst all of the human progress made over the last century the world in which we live remains one of great divisions, conflict, inequality, poverty and injustice. You, Mister President, have brought a new voice of hope that these problems can be addressed and that we can in fact change the world and make of it a better place." Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa in the post-apartheid era, in a letter congratulating Barack Obama
New Britain Democrat e-letter: John McNamara, Chair and Editor
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