State Rep. Tim O'Brien's exploratory committee for Mayor seeks to bridge the impossible chasm between Red Sox and Yankee fans on Saturday, April 25th with a fund-raising party. Supporters will watch the game between the American League rivals at the Roma Restaurant, 382 Allen Street, on Saturday April 25th at 4 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $20 to the "O'Brien for New Britain Committee". For information call 225-1575.
Stewart Again Seeks To Exclude Elderly From Tax Relief Program
In his budget message earlier this month, Mayor Stewart again nixed extending tax relief for older, income-eligible homeowners -- an issue that will need to be resolved in adopting a final budget for the new fiscal year that begins in July. It appeared as part of a budget-cutting reallocation that includes calls for layoffs and a 5 percent across the board reduction to city departments. Alternatives to the Mayor's proposal along with a careful review of Stewart's revenue estimates are expected before a Common Council vote occurs in June.
Over the last four years the City Council has adopted a budget that has provided seniors with some additional tax relief beyond the current state program in paying regressive property levies. In all of those years the Stewart administration has not used the appropriated funds. Last year, for example, the Council budgeted $350,000, extending income limits for single seniors from $29,800 to $33,000; for couples from $36,500 to $39,000. "This is only for senior citizens, single elderly folks who don't make a lot of money," commented Democratic Majority Leader Mike Trueworthy when the Council adopted the measure last year. "It will help a few needy citizens."
In a recent Herald letter to the editor laced with name calling and personal attacks against Democrats, Republican Ward One Alderman Louis Salvio again re-stated Stewart's position against senior tax relief. Salvio referenced the Mayor’s hand-picked, advisory task force that found -- with information provided by the Mayor -- that such a program would be “unworkable and ill advised." Democrats believe the finding was "a smokescreen for Republicans who are quick to grant tax abatements for businesss with no guarantee of living wage jobs but oppose tax fairness for older residents." The senior tax relief program is just one of the potentially contentious items expected at public hearings and discussions by the mayor and common council as the June deadline approaches for a new municipal budget.
The work of the Mayor and Council is made more difficult at this time of year because of the uncertainty on what actual state aid amounts will be in any agreement reached between Governor Rell and the Legislature. The state faces a multi-billion dollar deficit that will require a combination of cuts, tax or revenue increases and use of federal stimulus funds.
Upcoming Events For A Cause
Sons of Italy Breakfast To Benefit Charities, Sunday, April 26th
The Sons of Italy, Angelo Tomasso Lodge will hold a charity pancake breakfast,Sunday April 26th from 8am to 12 noon at the New Britain Senior Center on Pearl Street. Tickets are only $6.00 per person and may be purchased at the door. Menu consists of: pancakes, eggs and sausage, o.j, coffee and tea. Proceeds from the event will benefit Cooley's Anemia, Alzheimer Foundation and Coaches vs. Cancer.
North/Oak Revitalization: Urban Oaks Farm Celebrates Opening of New Store May 2
Cong. Chris Murphy (D-5) and other officials will cut the ribbon on a long-awaited, renovated store at Urban Oaks Farm,
New Britain Democrat e-letter: John McNamara, Chair and Editor
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Labor donated. New Britain Democratic Town Committee.
John Valengavich Treasurer. Approved by John McNamara