New Britain Democrats and friends are invited to attend the National League game between the New York Mets and the St. Louis Cardinals on Sunday afternoon, July 27th. Every participant will receive a commemorative Shea Stadium pin with this being the final season of play at Shea -- a ball park that opened in 1964.
The price for a ticket ($25) and motor coach bus transportation ($26) totals $51 payable to John McNamara (no relation to the Red Sox manager who left Buckner at first in Game 6 of the '86 World Series at the aforementioned Shea Stadium).
While sales have been brisk among Red Sox fans seeking to scout NL teams for match ups against the Red Sox in the 2008 World Series, tickets remain for any Cardinal or Mets fans out there. Besides, there are no designated hitters and everyone in attendance hates the Yankees.
For tickets and reservation contact newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com. Phone 860-416-0665
The Democratic Town Committee will meet on Thursday, July 24th, at 7:30 p.m. at New Britain City Hall, 27 West Main Street. The meeting will be held in Room 504.
Among the agenda items are DTC vacancies in two voting districts, the 2008 campaign and voter registration activities. and a vacancy for city constable.
All Democrats and friends are welcome to attend.
From NB Politicus: Remembering Sam Goldberger
With the sudden passing of social activist Sam Goldberger of West Hartford on June 9th advocates of peace and economic justice in Greater Hartford lost a local hero who traveled the world for the causes he believed in and gave generously of his time and resources for them.
Goldberger, a graduate of Yale ’64 and Columbia where he earned a Ph.D. in Central European History, probably could have pursued academics behind Ivy walls. Instead, he returned to Connecticut to teach at Capital Community College for 33 years. He also became a campus leader in his faculty union, the Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges. It would be a good guess that Sam’s activism and immigrant roots in Bridgeport led him to a community college where working people and first generation college goers get a chance to move up the education ladder. Through the years he shared his passion for intellectual inquiry with his students and gave of his time generously advising to student groups.
Sam was a member of the West Hartford Democratic Town Committee and, as the saying goes, was in good standing with the “Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.”
He participated in We Refuse To Be Enemies -- a group of Jews and Muslims who talked peace and understanding amid Mideast turmoil and border disputes. Every peace and progressive organization in Greater Hartford probably benefited from Sam's involvement.
Just recently he was exhorting friends to contribute to Bethlehem University of the Holy Land, a Catholic, co-educational institution of higher learning established in 1973 to meet the needs of the Palestinian society that is open to people of all faiths.
Said fellow West Hartford Democrats Carol and Win Heimer: “Pardon the cliche, but Sam had a heart as big as all outdoors. He was kind, compassionate and a true humanist. We are privileged to have known him as a labor activist, Democratic Town Committee Member, and advocate for peace and justice here and in the Middle East.”
Goldberger, a graduate of Yale ’64 and Columbia where he earned a Ph.D. in Central European History, probably could have pursued academics behind Ivy walls. Instead, he returned to Connecticut to teach at Capital Community College for 33 years. He also became a campus leader in his faculty union, the Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges. It would be a good guess that Sam’s activism and immigrant roots in Bridgeport led him to a community college where working people and first generation college goers get a chance to move up the education ladder. Through the years he shared his passion for intellectual inquiry with his students and gave of his time generously advising to student groups.
Sam was a member of the West Hartford Democratic Town Committee and, as the saying goes, was in good standing with the “Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.”
He participated in We Refuse To Be Enemies -- a group of Jews and Muslims who talked peace and understanding amid Mideast turmoil and border disputes. Every peace and progressive organization in Greater Hartford probably benefited from Sam's involvement.
Just recently he was exhorting friends to contribute to Bethlehem University of the Holy Land, a Catholic, co-educational institution of higher learning established in 1973 to meet the needs of the Palestinian society that is open to people of all faiths.
Said fellow West Hartford Democrats Carol and Win Heimer: “Pardon the cliche, but Sam had a heart as big as all outdoors. He was kind, compassionate and a true humanist. We are privileged to have known him as a labor activist, Democratic Town Committee Member, and advocate for peace and justice here and in the Middle East.”