Statewide Push For Health Care Reform Is Underway:
Wednesday Rally In Hartford, Congressional Town Hall Forums On TapProponents of Congressional action on health insurance reform that includes a public option are beginning a new push the first week of September in every Congressional district in Connecticut.
On Wednesday September 2nd a “Send Them Back To Work rally will be held at 4:30 p.m. at the offices of Congressman John Larson, 211 Main Street, Hartford that will include a march to Senator Chris Dodd's office on 14 Lewis Street. Both Congressman Larson and Senator Dodd have played key roles in moving a public insurance option forward in the House and Senate. Cong. Larson will host a Town Hall Health Care Forum in West Hartford at the town hall, 50 South Main Street.
In the 5th Congressional District, a 5:30 p.m. rally will be held at Shepaug Valley High School, 159 South Street followed by a health care forum with U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy at 6:30 p.m.
New Britain Democratic Town Committee platform calls for “affordable, universal health care and insurance for children and families that provides easy and timely access to appropriate providers throughout the State and high quality care for all individuals.” Its resolutions have supports Connecticut's Sustinet plan, the Health Care Partnership initiative and federal legislation that provides affordable coverage for all citizens.
More information on all events and activities in the state at
www.ccag.netThe Democratic Slate (part of a series)
Platosz Seeks New Term In Ward Two; Wants Energy, Insurance Rates CutsVeteran City Alderman Adam Platosz is seeking re-election to the Common Council to represent Ward Two. “I am an accessible member of the common council committed to improving neighborhoods and solving the serious financial problems the city faces,” said Platosz. “I am also a committed member of the Democratic Party and support its values and principles that benefit working people and retirees.”

Platosz, who served as an alderman at large during the administration of former Mayor Donald DeFronzo, has introduced and pushed for legislation that would reduce the high costs of energy and electricity for city government and residents over the last two years. “I intend to continue the effort to reduce these soaring costs of energy and insurance to lower property taxes,” he said.
Along with reducing those costs, Platosz says his priorities will be to further reduce blight in Ward 2 and to develop new strategies to develop jobs and job opportunities in the city.
A widower and father of two grown children, Platosz has more than 25 years experience in data processing and computer operations in banking and health care. A longtime member of the Democratic Town Committee, Platosz belongs to the the Elks Club, the 8th Ward Political Club and other civic and fraternal organizations.
Suzanne Bielinski Sets Pre-Primary Fundraiser September 10thThe Committee for Ald. Suzanne Bielinski, the endorsed Democrat for Town and City Clerk, will hold a happy hour on Thursday September 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the home of Carolyn Palmer-Camp, 7 Hickory Hill Road, New Britain. The suggested donation is $50 but any amount will be appreciated for this Bielinski for Clerk event. To RSVP and for information contact Carolyn at 223-8048 or Suzanne at (or call 225-5151)
Bielinski, a six-term member of the Common Council and its President Pro Tem, said she seeks the Clerk post “to deliver process improvements with a goal of exceptional service in the Clerk’s office, including reducing wait times and improving phone service and increased access to forms,licences and other information that can be made available to residents on the internet." Bielinski cites her 17-year career at CIGNA where she is a business analyst and has served as a contract specialist as “a good blend to provide the base from which I can achieve the goals I have to improve the office.”
A primary for Town and City Clerk will be held Tuesday, September 15th. All polls will be open from 6 am to 8 pm.
End QuoteTed Kennedy’s life’s work was not to champion those with wealth or power or special connections. It was to give a voice to those who were not heard; to add a rung to the ladder of opportunity; to make real the dream of our founding. He was given the gift of time that his brothers were not, and he used that gift to touch as many lives and right as many wrongs as the years would allow.
President Obama in his eulogy of the late Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), August 30th.