DeFronzo, Senate Push Bonds For Job Creation
State Senator Donald DeFronzo (D-6) and other state Senators have rolled out a "Connecticut Jobs Now" plan that would use $1 billion in state bonding to invest in transportation infrastructure, housing, energy conservation, clean water and higher education.
Picking up where the federal stimulus hasn’t gone yet, state Senate Dems describe the policy as "an aggressive plan to create jobs, stimulate Connecticut’s sluggish economy and promote economic recovery." They will need the cooperation of Governor Rell to launch the jobs initiative with her control of the state bond agenda.
“Connecticut needs jobs, and needs them now; we have a responsibility to create and sustain jobs in our state. The unemployment rate in Connecticut is 8.2 percent; construction industry employment is upwards of 25 percent,” said DeFronzo. “Our current market conditions offer an unprecedented opportunity for the state to make wise capital investments in new facilities, clean water projects, roads and bridges, mass transit and many other projects that could be bid and under construction in a very short period of time.” DeFronzo is Senate Chairman of the Legislature's Transportation Committee and General Bonding subcommittee.
"Connecticut Jobs Now", promising a 12-month push to create 16,000 jobs, calls for the funding of only those projects that were previously authorized. Wyman and other state officials would most certainly oppose any new bonding given the high levels of current debt incurred by state government from the Rowland/Rell years. The Jobs Now strategy calls for allocation of those projects that could be implemented within 90 to 120 days. Several state agencies, including the state Department of Transportation and Department of Public Works have already developed project lists that meet the recommended criteria.
For a copy of the plan by CT Senate Democrats visit www.newbritaindemocrat.net
Additional story at http://nbpoliticus.blogspot.com/2010/01/strategic-bonding-senate-dems-push-jobs.html
Municipal Meetings This Week
Board of Education Monday, January 11th 7 p.m. 2010-2011 Operational Budget.
City Council, Wednesday, January 13th 7 p.m. The Common Council holds its first regular meeting of the year. Public participation at 7 p.m.
Democratic Town Committee Petition Period Begins Wednesday, January 13th
Petitions for seats on the Democratic Town Committee for the 2010-2012 term will be available beginning Wednesday, January 13th and will be due back to the Registrar of Voters by Wednesday, January 27th. Based on current enrollment the Democratic Town Committee will be expanding from 48 to 52 members. For more information e-mail newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
City To Honor Rev. King on Monday, January 18th
New Britain’s official observance of the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be held on Monday January 18th from 9-11 a.m. with a breakfast and program sponsored by the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. Guest speaker will be Dr. William Howe of the Connecticut Department of Education. The program will continue at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park on the corner of King Drive and Stanley Street at approximately 10:30 a.m. Information 860-826-3410. Check the community calendar at www.newbritaindemocrat.net for additional King Day observances.
Democratic Town Committee To Meet Thursday, January 28th
The Democratic Town Committee will hold its first meeting of 2010 on Thursday, January 28th (Location to be announced) beginning at 7:30 p.m. Democrats seeking statewide offices will be given opportunities to introduce their candidacies at the January meeting and again at the February meeting (February 25th) before the start of the new term.
A few closing thoughts. I believe in bipartisan solutions, but I also believe you only achieve those results with vibrant, robust, and civil partisan debate. I am a Democrat and very proud of my party’s contributions to the vitality and strength of America. I would never have had the opportunity to serve in the Congress had I not had the support and backing of my political party over the years. I appreciate the passionate party activists who have never faltered in their support of my efforts.
U.S. Senator Chris Dodd announcing he will not seek re-election on Feb. 6th
New Britain Democrats thank Chris Dodd for standing tall on access to health care and education and support of children and families and for his continuing life of public service, from the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic following his graduation from Providence College to the United States Senate.
Photo: Senator Dodd with Rep. Chris Murphy at the Puerto Rican Society festival in New Britain in July 2006 (NBDTC photo)