Council Dems Approve Tax Credit For Elderly, Disabled On Party Line Vote
NEW BRITAIN - The Democratic-controlled Common Council voted Wednesday night to open a $375,000 account to help poor elderly and disabled homeowners pay their property taxes. Republican Mayor Timothy Stewart seems to be going along for the ride. Rick Guiness story in the New Britain Herald, 10/12/2007
The October 10th City Council meeting brought good news for older New Britain citizens on fixed incomes who are among the hardest hit by regressive property tax levies. Eleven Democrats on the 15-member Council raised and adopted a measure brought forward by Council Majority Leader Mike Trueworthy. The measure was opposed by the three GOP Council members Mark Bernacki, Peter Gostin and Louis Salvio.
In an election year conversion, Mayor Timothy Stewart departed from his Republican councillors and supported the measure. Throughout his term Stewart opposed the property tax credit saying that the city could not afford it. Not so less than a month before he has to face voters. The funds to pay for the property tax credit came from unused and unspent funds in several city accounts as books were closed for the year ending June 30, 2007. The program will give couples earning up to $40,000 and single individuals earning up to $34,000 tax relief. The income limits for a state-subsidized program are lower, leaving many seniors in the city ineligible for the property tax break.
The vote by the Council and the about-face by the incumbent Mayor are reflective of how city government has operated during the Stewart administration and how things get done in the best interests of the community. Council Democrats set the agenda on fiscal and policy matters and Stewart responds based on which way the political winds are blowing. That was the case on this vote even though Stewart had to leave his GOP allies high and dry and set aside his usual demogoguery on taxes and spending.
Here's Your Weekend Line Up
Wyskiewicz for Mayor Open House, Saturday, October 13 11 a.m.-1 p.m.The grand opening celebration of the new Wyskiewicz for Mayor Headquarters will be held this Saturday morning, October 13th from 11 to 1pm. The public has been invited to join the ‘neighborhood block party’. A live band will perform and food and refreshments will be served. The headquarters is located in the heart of downtown New Britain, in the Webster Bank building at 450 Main Street on the 2nd floor (Suite 201).
Centeno for Council Fundraiser, Saturday, October 13, 2-5 p.m. Ward 5 Aldermanic candidate Roy Centeno will hold a fund raiser on Saturday, October 13th from 2-5 p.m. at the Centenos' home, 289 Slater Road. Centeno is running for the Council seat in Districts 4, 1, 4 and 15 with Ald. Lori Rocha. The suggested donation is $25. A Centeno for Council event
DTC Party for Education and Row B Democrats, Sunday, October 14, 2-5. You're cordially invited to a Democratic Town Committee party for Row B candidates and better schools on Sunday, October 14th, from 2 to 5 p.m. at the home of Steve Horowitz and Adrienne Benjamin. 288 Steele Street, New Britain. There is a suggested donation of $25.00 at the door payable to the New Britain Democratic Town Committee, Post Office Box 2112, New Britain, CT 06050. For information call DTC Chair John McNamara at 860-827-9469
Help Get Out The Vote For Row B November 6th
Your time and support is needed between now and November 6th to help get out the vote.
- Make calls to voters about November 6th
- Send cards to family, friends and neighbors
- Write letters to the editor
- Get a lawn sign
- Volunteer election day to increase voter turnout
League of Women Voters Candidate Forum
The New Britain/Berlin League of Women Voters (LWV) will sponsor a municipal candidates forum for broadcast on community access television on Tuesday, October 16th at New Britain City Hall, 27 West Main Street, 7 p.m.
New Britain Democrat e-letter
John McNamara, Chair and Editor
New Britain Democratic Town Committee
Post Office Box 2112
New Britain , CT 06050
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