Backyard Picnic for Rep. O'Brien Sunday, June 29th:
The campaign of State Rep. Tim O'Brien (D-24) will hold a backyard picnic on Sunday, June 29th from 1 to 4 p.m. at the home of Ned Statchen and Liz Fitzsimmons, 196 South Mountain Drive, New Britain. Rep. O'Brien, a champion of Connecticut Citizen Elections campaign finance program when he served in the Legislature's GAE committee, is participating in the "clean elections" system that bars lobbyists and state contractors from making contributions to state candidates.
Legislature Overturns Rell's Veto Of Minimum Wage IncreaseNew Britain Lawmakers Unanimously Back Higher Minimum
With strong and unanimous support from New Britain's legislative delegation, the General Assembly overrode Gov. Rell's veto of an increase in the minimum wage on June 23rd.
Gov. Rell, aligning herself with the CBIA and business lobbyists as she did on the Health Care Partnership Act, called the decision "seriously short-sighted" and that it will "have long-lasting negative consequences for employers and employees alike all over Connecticut.” Proponents discounted Rell's argument that a higher minimum would hurt economic growth. Analyses that the minimum wage can cost jobs and hurt business have been found to be false by most economists whenever state or federal minimums have been raised. In reality the minimum wage remains far from adequate given the cost of living in Connecticut. A living wage in Connecticut would exceed $17 an hour for many households with families by most estimates. In statements to the New Britain Herald, State Representatives Tim O'Brien, John Geragosian and Peter Tercyak and State Senator Don DeFronzo explained their votes to override.
Said Tercyak (D-26) “Now that the federal minimum wage is finally going up, this is the best time to increase Connecticut’s minimum wage. The difference between the federal minimum wage and Connecticut’s new minimum wage will be the smallest difference in years. Even with our increase, Connecticut will be more competitive now. It’s nice when the right thing to do works so well for all sides involved. The Connecticut families whose income includes a minimum wage job or two deserve this, and need it now more than ever."
Said DeFronzo, (D-6) “The most compelling reason for the increase in the minimum wage is that during the past eight years the gap between the poor and the wealthy is growing faster in Connecticut than in any other state in the country. This legislation will benefit working poor families who are attempting to remain financially independent.”
More coverage on the issue may be found at CT News Junkie
Candidate led efforts for new Citizen Election Program
The campaign of State Rep. Tim O'Brien (D-24) will hold a backyard picnic on Sunday, June 29th from 1 to 4 p.m. at the home of Ned Statchen and Liz Fitzsimmons, 196 South Mountain Drive, New Britain. Rep. O'Brien, a champion of Connecticut Citizen Elections campaign finance program when he served in the Legislature's GAE committee, is participating in the "clean elections" system that bars lobbyists and state contractors from making contributions to state candidates.
"This important new campaign reform makes it so that modest contributions from regular people like you to the candidates you believe in allow those candidates to successfully run for state office, without having to receive large contributions from wealthy individuals, corporations and other special interests," said O'Brien. Donations from $5 up to $100 will be accepted at the picnic. For more information visit O'Brien's website at http://www.timobrien.org/ for more details on his participation in the Citizen Election Program.
Lots of Life After Presidential Bid: Edwards To Take Anti-Poverty Campaign Into Connecticut
Senator John Edwards, who garnered early support for President from a fair number of New Britain Democrats this year, is coming to Connecticut on July 10 to talk with leaders, advocates, and residents about strategies to reduce poverty. Senator Edwards is the National Chair of Half in Ten: From Poverty to Prosperity, a new campaign to cut poverty by 50% over the next ten years. Here is the link to the Half in Ten campaign: www.halfinten.org/
Local organizers say Senator Edwards’ visit to Connecticut is particularly important because Connecticut was the first state in the nation to pass legislation that mandates child poverty be cut by 50% by 2014. His visit provides an opportunity to call attention to growing inequality in the state and a child poverty rate that has not budged despite the existence of this legislation since 2004. New Britain Democrats are expected to join Senator Edwards as a local partner as part of his new campaign. Events are planned in Hartford and Bridgeport on July 10th
Local organizers say Senator Edwards’ visit to Connecticut is particularly important because Connecticut was the first state in the nation to pass legislation that mandates child poverty be cut by 50% by 2014. His visit provides an opportunity to call attention to growing inequality in the state and a child poverty rate that has not budged despite the existence of this legislation since 2004. New Britain Democrats are expected to join Senator Edwards as a local partner as part of his new campaign. Events are planned in Hartford and Bridgeport on July 10th
Legislature Overturns Rell's Veto Of Minimum Wage Increase
With strong and unanimous support from New Britain's legislative delegation, the General Assembly overrode Gov. Rell's veto of an increase in the minimum wage on June 23rd.
Connecticut will now increase the wage from the current $7.65 an hour to $8 on Jan. 1, 2009, and to $8.25 in 2010. The vote marked only the second time that a Rell veto has been set aside. The Republican caucus even lost some of its own with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle acknowledging that it was time to raise the floor on the minimum wage that is especially important for the working poor.
Gov. Rell, aligning herself with the CBIA and business lobbyists as she did on the Health Care Partnership Act, called the decision "seriously short-sighted" and that it will "have long-lasting negative consequences for employers and employees alike all over Connecticut.” Proponents discounted Rell's argument that a higher minimum would hurt economic growth. Analyses that the minimum wage can cost jobs and hurt business have been found to be false by most economists whenever state or federal minimums have been raised. In reality the minimum wage remains far from adequate given the cost of living in Connecticut. A living wage in Connecticut would exceed $17 an hour for many households with families by most estimates. In statements to the New Britain Herald, State Representatives Tim O'Brien, John Geragosian and Peter Tercyak and State Senator Don DeFronzo explained their votes to override.
Said Tercyak (D-26) “Now that the federal minimum wage is finally going up, this is the best time to increase Connecticut’s minimum wage. The difference between the federal minimum wage and Connecticut’s new minimum wage will be the smallest difference in years. Even with our increase, Connecticut will be more competitive now. It’s nice when the right thing to do works so well for all sides involved. The Connecticut families whose income includes a minimum wage job or two deserve this, and need it now more than ever."
Said DeFronzo, (D-6) “The most compelling reason for the increase in the minimum wage is that during the past eight years the gap between the poor and the wealthy is growing faster in Connecticut than in any other state in the country. This legislation will benefit working poor families who are attempting to remain financially independent.”
More coverage on the issue may be found at CT News Junkie