September Meeting Thursday (9/25) At Headquarters: Election Plans On Tap
The Democratic Town Committee will meet at campaign headquarters on Thursday, September 25th, at 7 p.m. for its September meeting.
The headquarters, which opened earlier this month, is located at 385 West Main Street. On the agenda will be planning for get-out-the-vote and voter registration leading up to the November 4th election. All Democrats and friends are welcome to attend.
For more information call headquarters at 827-9704 or e-mail newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com.
Ald. Cruz Departs; Represented Ward 3 neighborhoods on Council
Alderwoman Silvia Cruz (D-3) has announced that she is leaving the City Council after serving for five years. Cruz said that she needs to commit more time to her family and that she is moving out of the Third Ward, which she represents.
"I have greatly enjoyed the time I have served on the City Council," Cruz wrote in her letter of announcing her departure, "and will continue to be very involved in the community and in city government." Council Majority Leader Michael Trueworthy praised Cruz's work. "Silvia has been a tireless advocate for the people she represents for years. She will be missed on the Council, but we all understand that family comes first."
Alderwoman Shirley Black (D-3), who also represents the Third Ward said, "I have been happy that I have been able to work with Silvia to represent the people of our district. She was on the Council before I was, and she introduced me to many people in the Latino community. I know she will continue to be involved in our neighborhood." In addition to her Council duties, Cruz has been active in the North-Oak NRZ and has been its President. Trueworthy added, "Shirley and Silvia worked hard, for example, to make the new park possible."
"Silvia has been a great advocate for a neighborhood that is often forgotten in City Hall," said Democratic Chairman John McNamara. "She has served the people she represents well. She has been trying to balance family, full time work and public office. It is understandable she has to move on. We appreciate her years of service."
A Quote For Ending Wall Street Welfare As We Know It
"And if the government is going to provide capital to financial firms, it should get what people who provide capital are entitled to — a share in ownership, so that all the gains if the rescue plan works don’t go to the people who made the mess in the first place."