Hospital Merger Talks Prompt Calls For Public Disclosure, Community Input by Senator DeFronzo
The Hospital of Central Connecticut (HOCC), better known in these parts as New Britain General, has been more than an interested bystander in the debate over the future of John Dempsey Hospital at the University of Connecticut Health Center and its possible takeover by Hartford Hospital.
With everyone's eye on the state-financed bid to build a new UCONN hospital under the aegis of the Hartford Hospital Corporation, however, serious takeover talks involving New Britain's hospital, the city's largest employer, were confirmed last week by the Hospital's CEO and President, Laurence Tanner, in a Herald story by Scott Whipple. Tanner described the move as "an integration of hospital systems."
State Senator Don DeFronzo (D-6), in a strongly-worded letter to Tanner on March 18th, expressed "profound disappointment" that the Hospital administration and its board has engaged in "substantive merger discussions with no meaningful public disclosure, community scrutiny or opportunity to comment." Added DeFronzo: "The institutional silence with which the matter has been treated raises grave concerns. Residents of communities in the hospital service area deserve a full accounting of the nature and rationale for the proposed merger, the content of such proposal, operational and governance provisions, the impact on hospital staff, affect on health care access and the long term impact on the provision of medical services."
Widespread speculation in New Britain's medical community points to the existence of a draft memorandum of understanding that is already in "final negotiations" that would pave the way for the New Britain Hospital to become a part of the nonprofit Hartford Health Care Corporation, the parent entity that consists of Hartford Hospital, Meriden's Midstate Medical Center and other affiliate health care agencies. Two members of the 14-member Hartford Health Care Corporation board reportedly reside in New Britain General's service area.
Senator DeFronzo's plea for more information is expected to result in further responses from hospital officials this coming week. DeFronzo has asked Tanner for " a complete record of the evolution of this merger discussion" and suggested the Hospital should "conduct several community forums to better inform the public on this important issues and potential impacts."
Photo credit: Hospital of Central Connecticut
Save the Trail: Dodd and Murphy In Farmington Monday On Federal Protection For Local Trail
Municipal Endorsements: Nominations Committee To Meet
The Democratic Town Committee's nominations committee will meet the week of April 6th to begin work on endorsements of city offices this year. The Democrats' slate will include Mayor, Town and City Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Common Council (10 District, 5 At large), Board of Education (3), Board of Assessment Appeal (2) and Constable (4).
All Democrats interested in seeking office are asked to submit information to the committee in preparation for July endorsements. Candidate information forms are available upon request to newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com. The April meeting of the town committee is scheduled for April 30th.
Sustinet Health Initiative Gains: First Step Toward Universal Coverage
Last week the Legislature's Public Health Committee favorably reported this year's comprehensive health insurance reform legislation, SustiNet (HB 6600), in the first move necessary for universal and affordable coverage for all state residents. Sustinet also received strong support on Thursday at a New Britain City Hall legislative budget hearing conducted by local legislators and House Speaker Chris Donovan.
For updates on the legislation or to join the campaign visit www.healthcare4every1.org
Rev. King To Be Remembered Saturday, April 4th
End quote
"...And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man."
New Britain Democrat e-letter: John McNamara, Chair and Editor
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Labor donated. New Britain Democratic Town Committee.
John Valengavich Treasurer. Approved by John McNamara
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