New Britain Democrats will complete their endorsements for legislative seats this week at three conventions and a town committee meeting
On Monday, May 24th, 6th District State Senator Donald DeFronzo will be re-nominated for a fifth two-year term at the Trinity On Main Performance Center on Main Street beginning with a 6 p.m. reception and a 7 p.m. convention. DeFronzo, the co-chair of the Legislature's Transportation Committee, represents Berlin, New Britain and a portion of Farmington. He is expected to be re-nominated by acclamation
On Tuesday, 24th District State Representative Tim O'Brien is seeking re-election at a 7 p.m. convention at the Italian Fraternal Society, 131 Monroe Street. The 24th convention will be followed at 7:30 p.m. by a Town Committee meeting at which endorsements are expected for 25th State Rep. John Geragosian and 26th State Rep. Peter Tercyak. Town committee members from those districts endorse legislative candidates without a convention because the districts fall within city boundaries. In Plainville, a separate convention will be held Tuesday at Plainville Town Hall involving State Rep. Betty Boukus of the 22nd District. Boukus' district includes Voting District 15 (DiLoreto School) in the city.
A social hour will follow the endorsements at the Italian Fraternal Society. The event is open to the public.
State Convention Picks Get Nod From New Britain Democrats: Primary Is August 10
The city's 35-member delegation to the Democratic State Convention endorsed candidates for state offices who went on to win endorsement at Hartford's Expo Center on Saturday. The statewide results set the stage for an August 10th primary with contests for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the State and Comptroller.
Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy carried 28 of 35 delegates over Ned Lamont in the race for Governor. A group of New Britain and Berlin leaders had endorsed Malloy at the beginning of February and the delegate slates was approved by the Town Committee in March. Nancy Wyman, switching from Comptroller to Lieutenant Governor, received 24 New Britain votes to 11 for Simsbury First Selectwoman and New Britain native Mary Glassman. In the hotly contested Secretary of the State race, Denise Merrill, the House Majority Leader, edged State Senator Jonathan Harris 18 to 17 on a second ballot. In the first ballot for Secretary, Gerry Garcia of New Haven, Merrill and Harris were neck and neck at 12, 13 and 10 votes respectively. State Health Care Advocate Kevin Lembo overwhelmed opponents in the New Britain delegation receiving 31 delegates to four for Waterbury Mayor Michael Jarjura. To qualify for the primary candidates were required to receive 15%.

The New Britain delegation at the Democratic State Convention on Friday, May 21. (Frank Gerratana photo)
Attorney General Richard Blumenthal (U.S. Senate), State Treasurer Denise Nappier and former State Party Chair George Jepsen (Attorney General) won their endorsements unopposed. Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz, forced from the AG race by a state Supreme Court decision, addressed the convention Saturday and visited with delegates who would have supported her candidacy.
Said Malloy following his endorsement: “As I’ve traveled the state over the past year, I’ve found a common feeling among the people I’ve met with. They share a sense that we can do better. A sense that we must do better. A sense that with the right kind of leadership – we will do better. I’m confident that my experience has left me well prepared to be that leader. I've turned government around before, and I'm prepared to do it again.”

New Britain delegates from left: Alton Brooks, State Rep. Tim O'Brien and Harriet Geragosian. (Frank Gerratana photo)
FY 2011 Municipal Budget Due June 14: Discussions Underway, Council Meetings May 26th, June 9th
Discussions between the Mayor's office and City Council leadership have been under way since the proposed administration budget was presented to the Council and an overflow audience weighed in on possible layoffs in the school system and elsewhere at a May 17th public hearing at New Britain High School.
The Common Council meets Wednesday, May 26th, in the Council Chambers with public participation beginning at 7 p.m. The first regular meeting in June will be on June 9th.
Unlike last year city leaders won't have to worry about state aid amounts which were finalized by the Governor and legislature earlier this month. Despite efforts by Gov. Rell and Republicans to cut municipal aid, the Legislature maintained levels adopted in the biennial budget for the year that begins July 1. During the 12 week legislative session House Speaker Chris Donovan (D-Meriden) also noted other actions to aid cities and towns including a local option to take advantage of the state's plan for prescription drug coverage for employees, allowing municipalities and boards of education to enter into joint employee health insurance plans and joint transportation agreements and RESCs to provide services to multiple boards of education. The enabling legislation touted by Donovan represents an avenue to reduce the property tax burden if cities and towns use the options. "We had an aggressive agenda for a short, 12-week legislative session, and we achieved it," said Donovan. "We know there is much more we can do for our citizens."
The proposed city budget may be found on the city's website under city government section and the Finance Department. The link is
Senator Dodd To Hold Sidewalk Press Conference on Wall Street Reform Monday, May 24th
Senator Chris Dodd, one of the architects of financial regulation reform that passed the U.S. Senate last week, will discuss the legislation at a Monday May 24th press conference at noon at the University of Connecticut’s School of Business Graduate Business Learning Center in Hartford. According to a statement issued by the Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) Dodd’s bill "will create a sound foundation to grow the economy and create jobs, protect consumers, rein in Wall Street, and prevent another financial crisis."
President Obama and others say it is "the most sweeping reform of the financial industry since the Great Depression." It creates a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to watch out for the average citizen in our country and protect them from potential abuses in the market place; it mandates clearing and exchange trading for transparency and has a provision to prevent another taxpayer bailout of the financial industry. It appears to correct deregulation moves in the last decade including the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act which some analysts say spawned a derivatives racket and led to the financial meltdown of 2008.
Senator Dodd has been working on this legislation for a well over year and he has championed it as one of the landmark pieces of legislation he seeks to enact in his final term in the Senate.
End Quote
"As New Britain Mayor Timothy Stewart walked by, Rowland smiled and loudly announced, "This is the future of the party right here. You can mark that down.""
Former Gov. John Rowland, who left office and was convicted on corruption charges, being quoted at the GOP's Prescott Bush Dinner on May 20th. The quote appeared in a story by Mark Pazniokas in the online Connecticut Mirror.