Rep. O’Brien To Make Announcement July 17th
State Rep. Tim O’Brien (D-24) is set to make an announcement on his political plans this year at an announcement on July 17th to be held at the Pulaski Democratic Club, 89 Grove Street, from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
O’Brien formed an exploratory committee earlier this year to consider running for Mayor and he has since been meeting with voters and groups to gauge and build support for a possible mayoral run.
According to the Democratic Town Committee (DTC), no other Democrat has expressed an interest in the running for Mayor in the run up to endorsements to be held later this month.
O’Brien, a former councilor at large, was elected to the state House in 2002 and has made clean elections, property tax reform and equitable funding for cities cornerstones of his legislative efforts.
Friday’s announcement is an O’Brien for New Britain Committee event with a suggested donation of $10.
Dems Getting Ready For July 28th Endorsement Meeting
The Democratic Town Committee will meet Tuesday, July 28th at 7 p.m. to endorse candidates for all city offices. The meeting will be held at the Italian Fraternal Society, 151 Monroe Street. A reception for candidates will follow the meeting.
Endorsed will be candidates for Mayor, Town and City Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Common Council, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeal and Constable.
Democratic Town Chair John McNamara said the nominating sub-committee continues to gather candidate information and interview candidates. The Committee is also expected to draft a platform or policy statements on city finances, education and preserving neighborhoods.
Candidate and related information is available at www.newbritaindemocrat.net .
Campaign 2009: Meet The Candidates (first in a series)
Teresa Sapieha Yanchak Seeks New Term As Treasurer

"I have experience and a commitment to serving my community to the best of my ability," says Sapieha Yanchak. "As a lifelong resident I want to see my town become a thriving epicenter of arts and dining experience. I want to be a part of that happening." Yanchak points to economic development, financial oversight and grant funding opportunities as key issues that she will focus on in a new term.
Employed at the University of Connecticut Health Center, Sapieha Yanchak holds a psychology degree from the University of Hartford and is pursuing a master's degree in health psychology at CCSU. She is the single mother of six-year olds twins, Will and Tim, and resides on Dennis Drive.
End Quote: Cheney's "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" Part I
The Central Intelligence Agency withheld information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress for eight years on direct orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney, the agency’s director, Leon E. Panetta, has told the Senate and House intelligence committees, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said Saturday.
New York Times story, July 12, 2009. pg. 1