Dear Voter:
With Democratic voter rolls topping 18,000 Democrats and a 3000+ voter surge since January, let's make every effort to vote and get those who need assistance to the voting booth in support of Line B.
For Democrats of a certain age, it's also a watershed because of a nomination fight that came down to a woman and an African American serving in the U.S. Senate. The hoped for Obama victory will be a culmination of what Democrats, pushed by the civil rights movement, accomplished in the 1960s with the passage of voting rights and equality laws. It would strike a near fatal blow to the politics of division and intolerance used and perfected so well by Republicans over the last generation and co-opted by too many Democrats In Name Only.
The McCain-Palin campaign, keeping to their low-information, lowest common denominator strategies, has conducted an often vile and divisive campaign that has further diminished the Republican Party, a sharp contrast to Obama-Biden's inclusiveness and responsiveness to economic, health care and foreign policy problems emerging in the wreckage created by the Bush Administration. As New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson noted in endorsing Obama last March: "Senator Obama has started a discussion in this country long overdue and rejects the politics of pitting race against race.He understands clearly that only by bringing people together, only by bridging our differences can we all succeed together as Americans. His words are those of a courageous, thoughtful and inspiring leader, who understands that a house divided against itself cannot stand."
John McNamara, Town Chair
New Britain Resources and Information for volunteering and voter information
New Britain Democratic Headquarters, 385 West Main Street, New Britain. Telephone 827-9704 newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
Obama Connecticut www.ctobama.org
Murphy for Congress www.murphyforcongress.org
Don DeFronzo for State Senate www.dondefronzo.com
End Quote
"When you become part of something, in some way you count. It could be a march; it could be a rally, even a brief one. You're part of something, and you suddenly realize you count. To count is very important." Studs Terkel, the Chicago author (Working) and activist who died this past week at age 96.