New Britain's legislators will hold a state budget forum on Thursday, March 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers. Speaker of the House Chris Donovan (D-Meriden) may join local lawmakers at the forum that will give residents an opportunity to share concerns and ask questions about the 2010-2011 budget that begins July 1.
The New Britain forum will come just ahead of a critical phase in budget deliberations at the state Capitol and when cities and towns are formulating local budgets that are reliant on educational cost sharing (ECS) and other forms of state aid. The forum is being billed as "an opportunity for citizens to hear about, ask questions and speak out about the state budget."
The Governor and Legislature need to address major declines in existing tax revenue amid the economic recession. Negotiations between the two branches are expected in April that will involve significant cuts to current spending, use of federal stimulus funds and new revenues to balance a budget said to be billions of dollars out of balance. The talks are expected to pick up steam in April because new information on tax revenue, labor negotiations and alternatives to Gov. Rell's initial "no new taxes" budget will emerge. Many independent observers believe the Rell budget proposed in February is more than $2 billion out of balance and does not represent a serious plan to preserve "core services." State Rep. John Geragosian (D-25), the Co-Chair of the budget-writing Appropriations Committee, said Friday he expects a revised plan to be put on the table the first week in April. The New Britain forum will involve the city's state House delegation including State Senator Don DeFronzo, State Representives Geragosian, Betty Boukus (D-22), Tim O'Brien (D-24) and Peter Tercyak (D-26).
Rep. O’Brien Explores Mayoral Bid
Rep. Tim O’Brien (D-24) told an overflow and supportive crowd last Monday that he is considering a run for mayor in this year’s municipal election. O’Brien began a series of meetings and a listening tour at a Saint Patrick’s Day Eve party at the Italian Fraternal Society. O’Brien is a four-term lawmaker and one of the legislature’s most outspoken advocates of property tax relief. He previously has served on the Common Council gaining approval of a city ordinance on living wages and charter change that paved the way for voter approval of neighborhood or district representation on the Council.
Referring to last year’s national election and the surge of new voter interest, O’Brien told the March 16th gathering: “we all know that that the change President Obama is talking about could not simply come down from
Lending supporting remarks to the announcement were State Senator Don DeFronzo, who emceed the meeting, Ald. Eva Magnuszewski, former Board of Education President and Common Council member Pete Rosa, retired educator Gerri Brown-Springer and North-Oak neighborhood leader Rich Marzi.
O'Brien asked the audience for help on his exploratory campaign. "Over the next few months I will be meeting concerned people like you all across our city. And I want to ask you and people across our city your opinions of how I can serve you best, especially whether the people of New Britain call on me to serve as their mayor."
James Craven provided Herald coverage of the announcement
Remembering Rev. King April 4th
Save The Dates: Town Committee Meeting and Municipal Election Schedule (All meetings on Thursdays unless otherwise noted)
April 30, May 21, June 18.
July: The Committee is required to meet between July 21 and July 28 for city office endorsements
August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Primary Day: September 15 (if necessary) Election Day: November 3
New Britain Democrat e-letter: John McNamara, Chair and Editor
Post Office
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