Labor Rallies For New Britain Firefighters Tuesday
Wyskiewicz Gets Strong Backing
A rally in support of New Britain's firefighters will be held on Tuesday at 11 a.m. at AFSCME Council 4, 444 East Main Street, New Britain that will include the involvement of firefighters throughout Connecticut
Harold A. Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) will appear at the New Britain rally in what labor officials said was an unprecedented move for the union to take part in a local election. The IAFF has also endorsed the candidacy of Presidential candidate Chris Dodd.
“This represents the first time in the history of the 89 year old IAFF that the IAFF has seen fit to become involved with a campaign at such a local level,” said Ed Preece, President of the Firefighters Union. “Their feeling is that it is necessary to step in and lend support to our local branch because the current administration continues to abuse the power with which it was entrusted in order to exercise petty vendettas. The IAFF's rally for Jim Wyskiewicz demonstrates that they will go to any level of government to support their firefighters.”
Mayoral challenger Jim Wyskiewicz has vowed to put an end to the closed-door administration practices and to restore "a politically neutral merit based promotion system."
A Taste of Soul Food For Ward Two's Tonilynn Collins Monday, October 29th
The campaign of Ward 2 Ald. Tonilynn Collins is holding a fundraiser in support of her re-election to the City Council. The event will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Pride of CT Lodge of Elks, 24 Elm Street. There is a suggested donation of $25. All Democrats and friends are welcome. Bring your appetite.
Courant Turns A Blind Eye To Stewart's Real Indiscretions
Last week The Hartford Courant editorial board found another way to endorse Tim Stewart by defending some foul-mouthed language of the incumbent in a call to a dispatcher during 2005 flooding. The call, widely circulated in a You Tube posting, drew considerable press coverage. "The most appalling thing about this episode is that New Britain's Democrats can't seem to come up with anything better," opined an editorial last week. "They ought to be playing ball by telling New Britain residents how they'll further the city's future; instead, they're low-balling."
The Courant states the obvious in saying voters could give a rat's *** (excuse the paraphrase) over Tim Stewart's mouth. But the editor's indulgence of Stewart's trivial "indiscretion" comes after the same editorial board ignored the facts and circumstances of Stewart's public policy indiscretions --- indiscretions raised by James Wyskiewicz and other Democrats that can hardly be called "low-balling" unless the Courant feels transparency in government and telling the truth to residents matters. The Courant devoted no less than three editorials on "Tilcon Water Rat" legislation last summer, condemning legislators but not once mentioning that it was Stewart's request and misrepresentation of facts that prompted the special legislation. Subsequently, New Britain lawmakers rescinded the action that would have allowed a Tilcon lease of watershed land. Did the Courant acknowledge that Democratic legislators addressed their concerns? We're still waiting. According to one comment to latest editorial: "So after giving the mayor three passes on negatively written comments, they proceed to give the mayor a glowing endorsement, and again not mention his significant role in the creation of hated legislation. To compound this oversight, neither the editorial board nor any reporters ever comment on the fact that the mayor actually went ahead and signed a lease with Tilcon a few days before the legislature repealed the enabling legislation. He did this despite the fact that the original bill had provisions in it clearly stating the mayor could not do this without first holding multiple public hearings and having the city council approve the lease."
As Courant editors defend the mayor on his salty language and his right to get a good night's sleep during '05's serious flooding, they ignore a far more serious indiscretion over the Tilcon "rat" they professed to care so much about. Colin McEnroe, whose blog is carried by the Courant, found no small amount of irony in the Courant's defense of the Mayor over last week's episode over Pottymouthgate.
Help Get Out The Vote For Row B November 6th
Your time and support is needed between now and November 6th to help get out the vote.- Make calls to voters about November 6th- Send cards to family, friends and neighbors- Get a lawn sign- Volunteer election day to increase voter turnoutC
Contact newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com. Call Wyskiewicz for Mayor headquarters at 348-0175
New Britain Democrat e-letter John McNamara, Chair and Editor
New Britain Democratic Town Committee Post Office Box 2112, New Britain , CT 06050
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