The New Britain Democratic Town adopted a resolution at its delegate selection meeting this week praising Rep. Chris Murphy (D-5) for his affirmative vote on health care reform last Sunday and calling upon the Connecticut delegation to continue a push for a public option on health insurance:
To: Cong Murphy and the CT delegation
New Britain Democratic Town Committee Public Option Resolution
WHEREAS, the health care system of the United States is in crisis, and too many CT citizens are denied access to adequate and affordable health care while the costs of private coverage continue to rise. This results in inadequate access to care, rampant preventable illness, and premature death. Further; this scourge, which is responsible for 62 percent of personal bankruptcies and has greatly exacerbated the financial crisis, has led our nation to the edge of an economic abyss; and
WHEREAS, New Britain Democrats commend President Obama, Cong. Murphy and the Democratic Caucus for laying the foundation for universal health care with passage of the health reform act on March 21, 2010.
WHEREAS, public polls show that an overwhelming majority of Americans want health care reform to offer the choice of a robust public option similar to the Tricare system that is offered to our soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen. In the words of President Obama, “keep the insurance companies honest,” while co-ops or so-called “triggers” are ill equipped measures intended to pacify the progressive movement. They are wholly insufficient, and will not adequately address the health care crisis. They will not create significant competition, and will deepen the already cavernous pockets of the medical insurance industry; and
WHEREAS, health insurance lobbyists, and their Republican allies have organized and funded groups of extremists to disrupt efforts on the part of the Democratic majority and administration to reasonably discuss the issue with the American people. They have served as obstructionists, and are unwilling to compromise in any way to pass meaningful health care reform;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the New Britain Democratic Town Committee, urge Cong. Murphy and the CT delegation to continue to work for healthcare reform that contains a robust public option, and encourages Cong. Murphy to use any available parliamentary means to serve the American people’s interest;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we shall send a copy of this resolution to all Democratic members of Congress who represent our state.
March 25, 2010
New Britain Democratic Town Committee www.newbritaindemocrat.net