A gourmet pizza party, originally scheduled for Monday 10/19, will be held Thursday, Oct. 22nd, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Democratic headquarters 46 Broad Street. The suggested donation is $20 for the Town Committee event that will benefit GOTV activities for the Democratic candidates.
The Town Committee meeting will follow the party. On the agenda will be an update on the status of legislation on health coverage in Congress, an update on the municipal campaign and vacancies for Justices of the Peace
See you Thursday 10/22 to:
Get a lawn sign
Get literature to encourage your neighbors to vote Election Day, November 3rd
Make a donation
NBDTC Post Office Box 2112, New Britain , CT 06050
Labor donated by New Britain Democratic Town Committee.
John Valengavich Treasurer. Approved by John McNamara