New Britain Democrats Karaoke Kick Off $20.10, March 23
Join New Britain Democrats for music (of their own making), singing delegates and good cheer at the kick-off reception for the 2010 Nov. 2nd election for Governor, all state constitutional offices, U.S. Senate, Congress (District 5), Judge of Probate, State Senate (District 6) and State Representatives (Districts 22,24,25,26).
The event will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23rd at the Pulaski Democratic Club, 89 Grove Street. A special thanks to DJ Rich Marzi for providing the music. The suggested donation is $20.10. Proceeds will benefit the NB-DTC's voter registration and Get Out The Vote activities. [Please note contributions from businesses, state contractors, communicator lobbyists and their family members are prohibited). An NBDTC event.
Town Committee Re-Elects Leaders, Welcomes 18 New Members
The Democratic Town Committee held its organizational meeting March 4th, re-electing leaders and welcoming 18 new members to the 52-member party committee.
John McNamara, a member since 1986, was re-elected to a ninth term as Town Chair. Robert Sanchez, a member of the Board of Education, was elected to a third term as Vice Chair. Officers elected include John Valengavich, Treasurer; Ray Matyszyk, Assistant Treasurer; Rosemary Klotz, Recording Secretary, ,and; Peter Spano, Corresponding Secretary.
New district members of the committee include Lidia Agramonte-Gomez, Laura Woodie, Michael Dagata, Nereida Claudio, Pernell Young, Mike Platosz, Elrick George, Emmanuel Sanchez, Stephanie Podewell, Jaclyn Falkowski, Andrzej Lesniak, Yvette Ghannam, Earl Proulx, Teresa Sapieha-Yanchak, Todd Szabo, Zulma Garcia, Peruse Khachoyan and Richard Reyes. The DTC will elect assembly district leaders and fill committee positions at the March 25th and April meetings.
The DTC welcomes associate members to serve on committees and to volunteer for campaign activities. For information interested Democrats may e-mail newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
DTC Delegate Meeting To Be Held March 25th
The Democratic Town Committee will convene Thursday March 25th at 7 p.m. at New Britain City Hall to endorse slates of delegates to this year's political conventions. New Britain Democrats will send 35 delegates to the May 21-22 state convention where candidates for Governor, U.S. Senate and all the state constitutional offices will be endorsed. An August Primary looms for Governor and other offices. Slates will also be selected for Probate Judge, U.S. Congress,the 6th State Senate, the 22nd and 24th state representative districts.
May's Convention Schedule
Congressional Convention (U.S. House) – May 10th
Judge of Probate - May 11
State Convention - May 21-22
State Senate Convention – May 24
State House of Representatives Conventions (Multi-Town Districts) – May 25th
Upcoming Candidate Events in New Britain
Chris Murphy
Monday March 29th 5-7 pm: Chris Murphy for Congress' reception at the home of Terry and Frank Gerratana, 674 Lincoln Street, New Britain. Suggested contribution $50. All contributions will be gratefully accepted. RSVP to jessica@murphyforcongress.org. Telephone: 860-223-5532. www.murphyforcongress.org
Dan Malloy
Tuesday, March 30th 5-7 pm: Fundraising reception for Dan Malloy for Governor at Whinstone Tavern at Stanley Golf Course, 245 Hartford Road, New Britain. Suggested contributions of $100 (friend) or $50 (supporter) will be appreciated. RSVP to 203-588-1345 or kate@danmalloy.com
End Quote: For a Health Care Reconciliation With Public Option
The overwhelming majority of Americans want a public option. The latest New York Times poll on this issue, in December, shows that despite the attacks of recent months Americans support the public option 59% to 29%. Support includes 80% of Democrats, 59% of Independents, and even 33% of Republicans.Much of the public identifies a public option as the key component of health care reform -- and as the best thing we can do to stand up for regular people against big insurance companies. In fact, overall support for health care reform declined steadily as the public option was removed from reform legislation. Although we strongly support the important reforms made by the Senate-passed health reform package, including a strong public option would improve both its substance and the public’s perception of it. The Senate has an obligation to reform our unworkable health insurance market -- both to reduce costs and to give consumers more choices. A strong public option is the best way to deliver on both of these goals, and we urge its consideration under reconciliation rules.
U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO),Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) in a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) urging inclusion of public option for health insurance when reconciliation bill reaches Senate.
More information at http://democracyforamerica.com