Murphy To Debate Republican on Senior Issues Monday, 10/20 New Britain Democrats are urged to attend a debate between U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy and State Senator David Cappiello, Murphy’s Republican opponent. It will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Four Points by Sheraton, 275 Research Parkway in Meriden.
Hosted by AARP Connecticut the forum, according to organizers, “will focus on issues of concern to older residents in Connecticut including Social Security, Health Care Reform, Medicare, Long-Term Care, Retirement Security, Transportation, Energy, Housing and Political Gridlock.” Channel 3 Eyewitness News reporter Susan Raff will moderate.
For more information or to reserve a space, please call 860-548-3167. For more information on the nonpartisan AARP campaign go to For the Murphy campaign go to
New Britain State Legislature Debate Tuesday, 10/21
The New Britain/Berlin League of Women Voters will host a candidate forum involving New Britain’s State Legislative candidates Tuesday, October 21st at 7 p.m. at New Britain City Hall’s Council Chambers, 27 West Main Street. Democrats are urged to come out and support State Senator Don DeFronzo and state Reps. Tim O’Brien (24), John Geragosian (25) and Peter Tercyak (26). .
Pre-Election Reception for Democratic Justices of the Peace Thursday, 10/23
The Democratic Town Committee will hold a pre-election Reception for Democratic Justices of the Peace on Thursday, October 23rd, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the city Democratic Headquarters, 385 West Main Street, New Britain. The event with a suggested minimum donation of $10 for the DTC Get Out The Vote effort will be an opportunity to meet candidates and become involved in the campaign. Information will be provided on swearing in dates for the new Justice of the Peace term that begins in January.
In May, the Town Committee nominated all incumbent JPs and new candidates for the four-year term that runs concurrently with U.S. President. The Town Committee will welcome additional nominations to fill vacancies after the new term begins in January. Democrats interested in becoming a Justice of the Peace are asked to perform a minimum of two hours per month of volunteer or civic engagement in their community.
City Seeks New Police Officers; Applications for Exams due by October 31
The city of New Britain is recruiting police officers and invites interested individuals to obtain an application for an entry-level examination. Applications may be obtained at the city personnel department, New Britain City Hall, 27 West Main Street, 4th floor, Telephone (860) 826-3404. Closing date for applications is October 31st.
New Britain Democratic Rally and Pasta Dinner -- Sunday November 2ndNew Britain Democrats will hold a pre-election pasta dinner and rally on Sunday November 2, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the V.F.W. Hall on Veterans Drive near New Britain Stadium.The event is being held to build turnout and support for the Democratic slates in the Nov. 4th election and is made possible compliments of the city's state Legislative delegation -- State Senator Don DeFronzo and State Representatives Betty Boukus, Tim O'Brien, John Geragosian and Peter Tercyak.City Constable and Democratic Chef Mingo Paventi will be providing a full pasta dinner served from 1 to 3 p.m. Admission to the rally is free.
Tickets paid for and available from the New Britain Democratic Town Committee, John Valengavich, Treasurer; approved by Town Chairman John McNamara. Telephone 827-9704