Rep. O'Brien Kicks Off Campaign With Friday, May 7th Fund Raiser
State Representative Tim O'Brien, who represents the 24th Assembly District that includes parts of New Britain and Newington, will kick off his re-election campaign at a Friday, May 7th fund raiser, at the Italian Fraternal Society, 131 Monroe Street. The event will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Rep. O'Brien is participating in the Citizens Election Program and individuals donations will be accepted from $5 to $100 in accordance with campaign finance law. To connect with Rep. O'Brien's campaign and online community visit www.timobrien.org
Kevin Murphy and Emma Pierce Re-Elected To State Central Committee
Democrats from Berlin, Farmington and New Britain met at New Britain City Hall on May 4th and re-elected state central committee members from the 6th Senatorial District. Berlin's Kevin Murphy was elected to a first full term having filled the vacancy left by the relocation of Ned Statchen last year. New Britain's Emma Pierce, the state Democratic Party Treasurer, won her re-election.
The Democratic State Central Committee is a 72-member committee comprised of an equal number of men and women from the state's 36 State Senatorial Districts. State Convention delegates elect members every two years. For more information: www.ctdems.org

In photo from left Berlin delegate Art Powers, Kevin Murphy, Emma Pierce and New Britain Chairman John McNamara at the state central election (photo courtesy of Frank Gerratana)
Let the Conventions Begin
A series of conventions to nominate candidates for state and congressional offices will begin on Monday May 10th when Democrats in Connecticut will hold endorsing conventions for five incumbent Congresspersons.
In the 5th Congressional District, Democrats will meet at Crosby High School in Waterbury where U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy is expected to gain the nod for a third term. A challenger will be nominated at the state convention on May 21-22 by the "Party of No" aka the Republicans at the Connecticut Convention Center.
A Judge of Probate Convention for the district that covers Berlin and New Britain will be held Tuesday May 11th at Crystal Ballroom in New Britain. Judge of Probate Walter Clebowicz is seeking re-election to a four-year term.
Democrats will hold the state convention for Governor, US Senate and the state constitutional offices on Friday May 21 and Saturday May 22 at Hartford's Expo Center. The conventions will wrap up for New Britain Democrats with the State Senate Convention on Monday, May 24th and for the 22nd and 24th conventions on Tuesday, May 25th. The Democratic Town Committee also plans to hold endorsements for state rep districts within city boundaries -- the 25th and 26th -- on Tuesday, May 25th. Whether or not you are a delegate all Democrats are welcome to attend the conventions. For information e-mail newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com
Rell Urged To Sign Energy Reform Bill for Lower Electric Rates
Proponents of electric rate reform, including Connecticut's American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and the Connecticut Citizens' Action Group, want you to ask Governor Rell to sign the Nardell-Fonfara bill (SB 493) named "An Act Reducing Electricity Costs and Promoting Renewable Energy". The bill stems from the negative effects of deregulation and sharp spikes in utility bills in recent years.
Supporters say the legislation will reduce electric rates by 15% and provide discount electric and gas rates for seniors and low-income households. It’s urgent that the Governor hears from you now.
Consumer and ratepayer relief provisions in the bill include measures reforming the procurement of electricity that sets a goal of reducing rates by 15%. Streamlining the procurement process will lower rates for all consumers, including those who buy electricity from a competitive, retail supplier. For low-income households, the bill establishes a discount electric rate funded through existing low-income programs. The legislation also protects consumers, who buy electricity from a retail electric supplier, from unscrupulous, aggressive marketing practices.
"Connecticut ratepayers, including seniors on fixed incomes, are tired of paying the highest rates in the continental United States while the gap between Connecticut’s rates and the next highest rates continues to grow," said AARP's John Erlinghauser, "S.B. 493 preserves consumer choice and ensures that the State take concrete steps to lower electricity costs across the board for all Connecticut ratepayers."
To contact Governor Rell's office in the Greater Hartford Area: 860-566-4840 or
e-mail: Governor.Rell@ct.gov
Terry Gerratana is guest speaker at League of Women Voters' Annual Meeting, May 24th
Terry Gerratana, a former state representative and state elections enforcement commissioner, will be the guest speaker at the 2010 annual meeting of the Berlin-New Britain League of Women Voters (LWV). The meeting will be held on Monday May 24th at Central Connecticut State University's Memorial Hall, Connecticut Room.
The event begins at 5:30 followed by a catered dinner of chicken francaise or vegetable lasagna (6 pm), speaker (7 pm and the annual meeting (8 pm). Reservations are payable in advance to Marjola and Leonard Nelson, 407 Steele Street, New Britain, CT 06052. $25 per person. Parking at CCSU will be available at the Vance Garage accessible via Manafort Drive; walk around Vance Building and use side door to enter Memorial Hall. The Connecticut Room is in the back of the building.