New Britain’s state legislators will host at least three “Ice Cream Socials” at senior sites in August beginning with a mid-day social at the city's Senior Center, Thursday, August 9th.
State Senator Don DeFronzo and State Representatives Betty Boukus (22), Tim O’Brien (24), John Geragosian (25) and Peter Tercyak (26) will be hosting the events for older residents to share their views and concerns with lawmakers. Begun by DeFronzo when he joined the state Senate, the ice cream socials have become annual events.
The schedule for the socials includes
Thursday August 9 - 1-2:30pm – New Britain Senior Center - 55 Pearl Street
Tuesday August 14 - 1-2:30pm - D'amato Apartments - 40 Chestnut Street
Thursday August 16 - 1-2:30pm - School Apartments #1 - 50 Bassett
Additional sites and times will be announced. For additional information contact