Yes We Can: U.S. Senate Clears Way For Health Coverage Debate
Saturday night's U.S. Senate procedural vote, 60-39, advanced health care reform legislation into a holiday season debate that will be pivotal to winning a universal health care policy. The step to begin debate comes nearly 60 years after President Truman first proposed that health care be a right for all Americans.
Both Senators Dodd and Lieberman were in the affirmative, but Lieberman has vowed to reverse his prior pledges and oppose a public option that Dodd and others say will be a key to competition and lowering excessive costs.
Locally, proponents are urging participation on Tuesday, November 24, 11:30 AM at Joe Lieberman’s office 1 Constitution Plaza in Hartford where the Interfaith Alliance will once again try to deliver the cards of prayers and wishes for health care reform.
To learn more or get involved visit
LWV Sponsors Forum on Newspapers Monday, 11/23
“The Changing Role of Newspapers” will be the topic at a forum organized by the Berlin/New Britain League of Women Voters (LWV) on Monday, November 23, at 7 p.m. at the First Church, 830 Corbin Avenue.
Scheduled to speak are: Matthew Kauffman, award winning investigative reporter from the Hartford Courant; Vivian B. Martin, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of Journalism CCSU and Michael Schroeder, Publisher and Editor of The Herald.
Admission to the forum is free.
DTC Invites Justice of the Peace Nominations
Registered Democrats in New Britain are eligible to be appointed Justices of the Peace. Nominations to fill vacancies in the ranks of JPs are filled at Town Committee meetings with the next meeting scheduled for December 17th.
Justices of the Peace, an elective office for which elections are held every four years in Presidential elections, have general oath giving powers, may take acknowledgments, may join persons in marriage and and make take depositions.
The Town Committee asks that Democrats seeking to become a JP provide evidence of volunteering in their community a minimum of two hours per months. Interested persons may e-mail to newbritaindemocrat@gmail or write NBDTC P.O. Box 2112, New Britain, CT 06050
Community Calendar at DTC website
For announcements, meetings and events visit the Democratic Town Committee Community Calendar at www.newbritaindemocrat.net
End Quote
“Last year 750,000 Americans filed bankruptcy. Over half of those bankruptcies were because of medical expenses. Over half of the people who filed bankruptcy because of medical expenses had health insurance. Don’t we need to do something on health insurance reform? Of course we do.”
Harry Reid (D-NV), the Democratic Senate Majority Leader, Saturday, November 21st