O'Brien Seeks Coordinated Action To Aid Displaced Wal-Mart Workers
The August 31st closing of New Britain's Wal-Mart store, abruptly announced by the company this past week, has prompted State Rep. Tim O’Brien (D-24) to call for coordinated action to assist more than 160 displaced workers at the Farmington Avenue store.
“It’s vital that we do what ever we can to stem any job loss here in New Britain that may be created from Wal-Mart closing its doors,” said Rep. O’Brien. Rep. O’Brien said that he hopes that employees are able to find jobs at other Wal-Marts but expressed concern that positions at stores in Newington and Bristol will be not available in a tight labor market. O'Brien and others also fear that transportation challenges will complicate the prospects for some workers for out-of-town jobs. “Anytime a business closes and workers lose jobs it is devastating to those families,” said Brian A. Petronella, President of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW – 371). “It is our responsibility to step forward and help those workers in any way we can.” The UFCW does not represent the Wal-Mart workers but will support efforts at re-employment.
O’Brien is working to organize a meeting early next week among representatives of labor organizations, state and local officials to develop a response to the store closing and lay offs. O’Brien said he thinks that more needs to be done than just trying to save current jobs now. “We need to have long term plans that implement policies that bring good paying jobs and greater economic security to New Britain.”
According to James Craven's Herald report, a company official visited City Hall to inform Mayor Stewart but Stewart, who expressed surprise at the move, was "in a meeting" and did not meet with the Wal-Mart representative.
Under state law, companies must give employees and the community 60 days notice of a closing.
Democratic Endorsement Meeting To Be Held July 28th
The Democratic Town Committee will make its endorsements for city offices on Tuesday, July 28th.
Candidates for Mayor, Town and City Clerk, Tax Collector, Common Council, Board of Education, Board of Assessment Appeal and Constable will be nominated at the DTC meeting that will begin at 7 p.m. The meeting place will be announced. Town Committees are required to hold endorsement sessions between July 21 and 28. The July 28th date changes a tentative date of July 23rd announced last month.
The DTC's nominations committee continues to accept candidate information forms for all offices and any interested Democrats are urged to forward their information as soon as possible.
More information on the endorsement process is available at the Town Committee website at www.newbritaindemocrat.net
Candidates For Board of Education Emerging
Three candidates for Board of Education have emerged thus far for the Democratic endorsement, including Board of Education President Sharon Beloin-Saavadra who is seeking a second four-year term. Incumbents Fran Wolski and Lucretia Holley will not be seeking re-election ensuring that Democrats will nominate two new faces for the BOE.
New candidates who have contacted the DTC include Lindy M. Kwasowski, a past treasurer of the Jefferson and Gaffney schools’ parent-teacher organizations, and Carlos E. Pina, Jr, whose career has included more than 18 years at the state Department of Families and Children and involvement in the schools as a high school football coach.
The DTC nominating committee has also been contacted by other individuals for BOE, including former BOE member Luisa Leal. The DTC will endorse three BOE candidates later this month.
Lieberman (?-CT) Dumps Commitment To Public Health Insurance Option ; At Odds With Dodd , Other Democrats

Senator Joseph Lieberman has reversed support for a public option as part of health care reform, contradicting his positions during a 2006 re-election campaign and 2004 bid for the White House.
The public option issue is crucial to legislation that would help “insure the uninsured” and tamp down skyrocketing health care costs. While Lieberman has avoided any formal statements on the issue on his web site, press reports over the last week confirm that Lieberman will oppose a key element of Democrats’ plans for reform. Sounding a familiar theme, Lieberman says he’s joining forces with senators from both parties to attain a “bipartisan” agreement that would leave out public options, thereby preserving a monopoly for private insurance interests that heavily finance Lieberman’s campaigns.
The New Haven Independent’s Paul Bass has a story and video here www.newhavenindependent.org/archives/2009/07/post_459.php
Last week advocates for a plan with a public option staged a Washington, D.C. rally in support of the bill making its ways through Congressional committees. Tom Swan, Executive Director of the CT Citizen Action Group that is part of the Health Care for America Now coalition praised U.S. Senator Chris Dodd for assuming a leadership role on the issue in the absence of an ailing Senator Ted Kennedy. “We thank Senator Dodd for his leadership and support of legislation that will give Americans all across this country what they want - a choice of a strong public health insurance option that will provide lower costs and keep the insurance companies honest, said Swan. “The bill that Senator Dodd has spearheaded will make sure that Americans can keep their own insurance if they want or choose a new alternative to the private insurance industry. That new public health insurance option will encourage better health care delivery at lower cost. The legislation will also make good, affordable health care available to middle-class families in Connecticut and includes strict rules to stop insurance company abuses. The bill is a good prescription for health care reform.”
Citizens may share their views with Lieberman’s office on line at http://lieberman.senate.gov/contact/ or by calling his Hartford office, (860) 549-8463
For more information on the issue go to http://www.healthcareforamericanow.org/