- The Rolling StonesYou can't always get
what you want. But if you try sometimes you might find You get what you need
City Democrats gained a ward seat and a 13-to-two majority on the Common Council in the November 6th municipal election,
As 30% of eligible voters went to the polls, incumbent Timothy Stewart's win did not produce the legislative coattails that the GOP had hoped for. GOP incumbent Peter Gostin's loss in Ward 4 reduced Republicans on the Council to Councillor at Large and former Democrat Mark Bernacki and Ward One Councillor and former Democrat Louis Salvio.
"I think that it shows that the Democratic base is strong," DTC Chair John McNamara, told The Hartford Courant. "I think the mayoral decision was that people were still comfortable with a divided government, but I think our council people ran very good races in terms of reaching voters. The Republicans thought they could make gains when the voters thought otherwise."The Republicans came away with the win for the heavily favored and well-financed Stewart over At Large Councillor Jim Wyskiewicz. Cheryl Blogaslawski also unseated 14-term incumbent Fred Menditto for Tax Collector, ending Menditto's long and distinguished tenure at City Hall. Democratic City Treasurer Teresa Sapieha Yanchak, the first woman to hold that post, comfortably won re-election at the top of the ticket.
For another two years voters decided they wanted power sharing at City Hall between the Mayor's office and Common Council, but with more power to the Democrats. The majority party was strengthened by not only the one-seat gain on the Council, but the election of four Democratic newcomers who are expected to give the majority a veto-proof margin over Stewart and a revitalized caucus.
Newly elected to the Common Council were Eva Magnuszewski (at large), Greg Gerratana (Ward 1), Phil Sherwood (Ward 4) and Roy Centeno (Ward 5). Incumbent Democrats re-elected included Majority Leader Mike Trueworthy, Mayor Pro Tem Suzanne Bielinski, Councillor At Large Paul Catanzaro, Tonilynn Collins and Adam Platosz (Ward 2), Shirley Black and Silvia Cruz (ward 3), Larry Hermanowski (Ward 4) and Lori Rocha (Ward 5).
Board of Education President Peter Kochol won re-election to the school board along with incumbent Brian Riley and newcomer Aram Ayalon, associate DTC member and a strong advocate of establishing small "learning communities" to ease overcrowding. Board of Assessment Appeals Chair Robert Wysocki will be joined by newcomer Francisco Cuin on the three-person panel on the eve of implementation of property tax revaluation.
From The Chair: A Post-Election Thanks
Reports that Democrats were greatly divided and that Republicans would make gains to rubber stamp Stewart administration actions were --as Mark Twain might have said -- "greatly exaggerated" in 2007.
In the Council election, voters responded affirmatively to both the composition of the Democratic slate and the ideas advanced by Democratic candidates:
- The Democratic slate of candidates from top to bottom was a far more accurate reflection of who lives in New Britain. Of 15 aldermanic candidates, seven were women with one-third of candidates coming from the African American and Latino communities. By contrast, the GOP fielded 14 Council candidates -- all of them men with little in the way of diversity.
- November 6th also showed that partisanship and ideology generally don't play well with voters in local governance. For the most part the electorate responded to Democratic candidates who talked issues and neighborhood concerns instead of making the promise to be Tim Stewart's "yes" men.
This election should not pass without thanking all of our Democratic candidates, regardless of a win or loss, for seeking public service.
The Town Committee also acknowledges the extraordinary efforts of two individuals who brought Democrats together and gave much of themselves to help others throughout the municipal election. Thanks to:
- Rep. Timothy O'Brien (D-24) for his boundless encouragement, volunteer organizing and brilliant direct mail program for Democratic candidates.
- Councillor At Large Mike Trueworthy who, in helping himself get re-elected, devoted much of his time and talent to building a diverse slate and working with all candidates to encourage voter support for Democrats.
Above Photo: It was a full court press by members of Council Majority Leader Mike Trueworthy's family on election day to get out the vote.
New Britain Democrat e-letter: John McNamara, Chair and Editor; New Britain Democratic Town Committee, Post Office Box 2112, New Britain , CT 06050
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