The 2009 Election
This is to thank candidates of all parties and volunteers for being a part of the municipal campaign this year.
Just 200 more people voted compared to 2007 (9,006 to 8,808) making the turnout a paltry 27.86%. The lower percentage but higher turnout is attributable to the "Obama bounce" of 2008. In 2007,there were 30,433 registered voters. This year enrollment was officially at 32,323. Anyone walking neighborhoods during this election, however, would find the official voter count to be inflated. The likelihood is that a few more percentage points would have led to a different outcome. The challenge remains: to encourage citizen participation at the local level where government can impact people the most.
Although 80 or so votes shy when the polls closed, Tim O'Brien delivered everything he could and led his party to retain a super majority on the Council.
Rep. O'Brien overcame unexpected adversity, an entrenched incumbent Mayor and a Republican noise machine full of slanderous and anonymous comment to get very close to victory. Throughout 2009 it was hard to find the GOP offering any ideas or substance to move the city forward. Tim Stewart is to be congratulated on his victory, but he knows once again the voters rejected his call to give him a rubber-stamp council. The election and campaign were last week. Next week it's time to govern in a spirit of mutual respect and what is in the best interests of the city.
Rick Lopes and Kate Breslin deserve praise for giving of their time, talent and tremendous organizational skills to the O'Brien campaign. Thanks to DTC member Sue McKinley and Vice Chair Bob Sanchez for their E-day organizing as well as all GOTV teams and volunteers.
Newcomers Marie Lausch and Carlos Pina, Jr.-- campaigning in the most Republican oriented area of the city -- waged positive and hard fought campaigns; we were fortunate to have them as part of the team and to join us as leaders who will be heard from again. Juan Verdu stepped into a void to run for Tax Collector and deserves special thanks for his efforts and for bringing out votes on Tuesday. Thanks to Laura Woodie for her close at large bid and another newcomer, Ryan Hurlburt, for his candidacy and new perspectives. Congratulations to City Treasurer Teresa Sapieha Yanchak and Town Clerk Peter Denuzze on their re-elections. Thanks to new Constables Mike Dagata and Sue Hodge for their efforts throughout the campaign.
Congratulations go to the new Democratic Council: Catanzaro, Magnuszewski and Trueworthy at large; Collins and Platosz (2), Black and Cruz (3), Hermanowski and Sherwood (4) and Carlozzi and Centeno (5). A heartfelt thanks to my alderwoman, Shirley Black, whose daily presence at headquarters set an example. Kudos to BOE President Sharon Beloin-Saavedra for her staunch support and ideas on education. And thanks to my neighbor, Phil Sherwood, for his guidance and support of all during the Democratic campaign and Mike Trueworthy for his support of the Council slate.
Next steps? We build a coalition based around the issues that Tim O'Brien raised in this campaign --- property tax relief, an education policy that addresses overcrowding and doesn't hold children hostage to the property tax, real blight enforcement, transparency in city government and creating a jobs-friendly climate for New Britain.
It's no time to rest or mourn. It is time to organize.
Historic Vote On Public Option Health Insurance Looms Today (Nov. 7) Call Now
The U.S. House's first full vote on health reform legislation may come today (Saturday, Nov. 7). It'll be the first time in more than 60 years that the full body votes on comprehensive reform with a close vote expected.
The insurance industry and their allies are putting extraordinary pressure on every representative to defeat H.R 3962. "We know that their expensive lobbyists will be dashing to each congressional office, attempting to twist arms. The only question is whether the phones will be ringing off the hook with constituents supporting reform while that happens," according to a statement from Organizing for America.
Reinforce support for a public option calling Cong. Murphy at 202-225-4476
Tell friends around the country to contact their U.S. Rep. immediately
For complete information on the legislation visit Cong. Chris Murphy's site at
End Quotes
Health care is a moral issue. It is viewed as a fundamental human right, not only advocated in Catholic Social Teaching but also in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This right is reflected in the values of the economic systems of every western industrialized country except one, the United States of America. We are the only country among those 27 industrialized nations that does not provide universal health care. In contrast, our Church has been at the forefront of advocating for health care as a right for decades, including pastoral letters in 1981 and 1993.
from Catholic Democrats