From The Hartford Courant, 9:03 PM EDT, September 11,
"Rolando "Roy" Centeno and Lori Rocha, a common council member,
won the Democratic primary for two Ward 5 seats Tuesday, earning them slots on
the Nov. 6 ballot. Unofficially, Rocha received 349 votes. Centeno, a retired
police officer and political newcomer received 328 votes. John Carroll,
the only Democratic incumbent not to receive his party's endorsement, received
245 votes."
Rocha and Centeno thanked supporters at a post-primary party held at Zabbara's at Stanley Golf Course. "This has been an experience which I will never forget and one which has allowed me to learn and grow," said Centeno, a district leader on the Democratic Town Committee. "I will continue to work hard to make our city better."
Rick Guinness has the story in the New Britain Herald at
Residents Opposing Tilcon Watershed Deal To Meet Wednesday, September 12th;Wyskiewicz Hits Stewart's "Double Dealing" on issue
West End residents opposed to Tilcon Inc.'s plan to use watershed land in New Britain and Plainville have organized a meeting Wednesday, September 12th, at 6:30 p.m, at the Quartette Club, Wooster Street, Mayoral nominee and Ald. Jim Wyskiewicz is calling on the Stewart administration to heed a petition signed by 350 residents that expresses concerns about the plan that would involve expanded mining operations on the New Britain-Plainville border.
Mayor Stewart's contradictory statements on the land deal and failure to share information with the public in a timely fashion have prompted State Senator Don DeFronzo and State Rep. Tim O'Brien to call for repeal of special legislation approved in June that would have allowed the city to approve the deal in exchange for $15 million over 40 years. Blaming legislators, Stewart told residents in August that he would consider scuttling the deal if they brought him a petition. He subsequently moved back to his original position when he asked lawmakers to provide an exemption to environmental laws. New Britain lawmakers supported the 11th hour bill but inserted environmental safeguards into the approved bill.
Said Wyskiewicz: "For too long our town has been held hostage and our opportunities compromised by special interests and private dealings. I advocate truly representative government where citizens themselves are incorporated at every stage of the legislative process. In this instance, our government failed its citizens. Sadly, the current absence of leadership has caused a loss of accountability to the people we serve."
"In no active stage of the decision making process were the residents of Hickory Hill or citizens of New Britain at large consulted. Further, the legislation itself was hastily constructed and advocated by the current administration, leaving little time for review, dissent, or environmental analyses," said Wyskiewicz. His statement asserted that "Mayor Tim Stewart has received campaign donations from the principles of the corporation this deal advantages. Jim Wyskiewicz, alternatively seeks to advantage the citizens of the community and feels their interest should remain our only priority."
Local and state officials are reportedly in talks to resolve the issue in a manner that addresses environmental and public disclosure concerns that have arisen since Stewart's statements in early August.
Iraq Is Topic Of Cong. Murphy's Forum at Slade School, Thursday, September 13
U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy will hold a second New Britain forum on Iraq policy on Thursday at the Slade Middle School, New Britain, at 7 p.m. as Congress considers ways to change Bush administration's course in the Mideast.
On Monday, Murphy who traveled to Iraq and Afghanistan in the spring with other lawmakers, issued a statement on testimony given by General Petraeus that sought to buy more time for the Bush policy:
Said Murphy: "General Petraeus attempted to put a positive spin on a failed policy. While the General highlighted some notable military successes, other credible reports underscore the lack of real progress we have made in Iraq. The Government Accountability Office’s report released last week shows the Iraqis have failed to achieve fifteen of eighteen benchmarks. General Jones’ report states that the Iraqis are far from being able to take over for their own security. And the daily news reports out of Iraq paint a grim picture. Our Armed Forces, stretched and deployed nearly to the breaking point, have done their duty bravely and courageously, but the ends to which they have been directed – the political stability of Iraq - are increasingly beyond their control. This surge isn’t working and General Petreaus effectively admitted this today. This summer has been the bloodiest yet so far for U.S. troops in Iraq, with 264 soldiers killed. There is indisputable proof that this strategy has not accomplished the basic goal laid out by the President in January – giving the Iraqis breathing room to achieve political consensus. To grant this Administration an extension of this failed policy would not only put our soldiers at greater risk, it would put this country as a whole in a more perilous position. I hope that today marks a new era in our national debate on Iraq. The President must face the facts; achieving military success will not lead to Iraqi political success."