Support Connecticut Citizen Action Group Saturday (6/14) in New Britain
Cong. Murphy, State Leaders Join New Britain Dems For Fundraiser
For Grassroots Advocacy Organization
The Connecticut Citizen Action Group ( will host a fundraising event on Saturday June 14th at the home of Council Majority Leader Mike Trueworthy and Elena Trueworthy , 383 Monroe Street, New Britain.
The event will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. Joining New Britain legislators and city Democratic elected officials will be Cong. Chris Murphy (D-5), House Majority Leader Chris Donovan, Secretary of the State Susan Byciewicz and Comptroller Nancy Wyman at what has become an annual backyard event that benefits CCAG's advocacy on key consumer issues such as universal health care and tax fairness and clean elections.
The suggested donation is $30. Donations or gifts to CCAG are not tax deductible.
Voter Registration Hits Disappointing Lull In May
A Presidential Primary surge in Democratic and overall voter registrations in the first quarter of the year ebbed considerably in May and the number of registered voters in the city again fell below 30,000 to 29,947.The May 30th numbers show 16,064 Democrats compared to 16,232 on April 30th, a drop of 168 voters. Registered Republicans total 3,547 and Unaffiliated voters 10,163, also declining from April totals.
New Britain is a community that faces a chronic problem of low voter registration compared to the number of persons who are eligible to vote. The Democratic Town Committee will be organizing special party registration activities in the summer, including canvasses and tables at shopping locations and events in the run up to the November 4 Presidential Election.Democratic Town Chair John McNamara said he will also be making requests of the Registrar of Voters to beef up the registration drive and support the Town Committee in its efforts. The Town Committee will propose that Deputy Registrars set up voter sign up tables on the first floor of City Hall to promote increased registration starting in July.
The tables in the vicinity of high traffic Assessor, Tax Collector and Clerk offices will encourage voter enrollment among visitors to the seat of local government, according to McNamara.
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from commentary by Bob Herbert New York Times, June 7