DTC Meeting and Holiday Gathering Set For Monday, December 21st at City Hall;
Donations to be collected for Spanish Speaking Center
The Democratic Town Committee will meet on Monday, December 21st for its December meeting and holiday gathering at 7 p.m. at New Britain City Hall 27 West Main Street.
The agenda for the winter solstice gathering will include Justice of the Peace appointments and the 2010 political calendar. Members and friends are invited to bring a non-perishable food item or a donation to benefit the Spanish Speaking Center.
Petitions for seats on the Democratic Town Committee for the 2010-2012 term will be available beginning Wednesday, January 13th and will be due back to the Registrar of Voters by Wednesday, January 27th. Based on current enrollment the Democratic Town Committee is likely to expand from 48 to 52 members with new seats being added in Districts 4, 5, 10 and 13. For more information e-mail newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com or call 860-416-0665.
State House Update: Mid (Fiscal) Year Budget Battle Ahead
The Legislature’s Appropriations Committee, co-chaired by State Rep. John Geragosian (D-25), will hold public hearings on Wednesday, December 9th amid Gov. Rell’s call for a special session and her proposed, new state budget cuts that include $84 million in reduced aid to cities and towns.
The mid-fiscal year call for adjustments stem from projections released by State Comptroller Nancy Wyman on December 1 that show a $549 million shortfall because of a continued decline in receipts of the income and sales taxes. According to Wyman: “receipts of the income tax remain weak, despite an increase in the tax rate for upper-income residents. Collection of the quarterly estimated income tax payments typically made by investors is down by 29.4 percent and revenue from the payroll-withholding tax dropped by 4.3 percent.” Wyman’s report noted that Connecticut added 1,000 payroll jobs in October but still has lost more than 70,000 jobs since October 2008.
In response, House Speaker Chris Donovan Friday denounced Republican legislative leaders call for devastating cuts to local school aid. GOP lawmakers also called for the elimination of the Citizen’s Election Program that keeps lobbyists and state contractors out of the campaign finance system.
Donovan said the Appropriations Committee would hear from the public first before considering actions or negotiating with the Governor on budget mitigation. Said Donovan:
“The plan presented by Republican leadership today (December 4) is misleading and deceptive. On the one hand, they agree that the Governor’s proposal to cut municipal aid is a bad idea. Yet on the other hand, they recommend tens of millions of dollars in cuts to municipal education programs like priority school districts, magnet and charter schools. They want to give new tax benefits to wealthy estates, but want to cut dental care for seniors. They want to give huge tax cuts when we’re facing a deficit. But they want to cut job growth programs that can create tax revenue. That doesn’t make sense. On the national level, Republican policies helped us into recession. Here in Connecticut, the Republican proposal just doesn’t add up. Let’s be honest. Their 6.5 percent across the board cuts are not only indiscriminate, but double what they claim. The truth is that coming mid-year, when almost half of budget allocations have been spent and more committed, this is really a 13 percent cut that will devastate programs.”
“We’ll go through the real numbers at public hearings on December 9 and listen to what the people of Connecticut have to say,” said Donovan on how Democrats will respond to balance the current fiscal year budget.
Related story in the Courant by Don Stacom.
City Hall Update: Downtown Development Hearing Tuesday 12/8 , Council Meeting Wednesday 12/9
The Common Council and the Committee on Planning, Zoning and Housing will hold a regular meeting and public hearing on Tuesday evening, December 8, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. A presentation on Arete Development's proposal on construction of a new police headquarters and related commercial/retail development may be considered. The new police station project is considered a linchpin of bigger plans for downtown’s revitalization that also include surrounding properties such as the old New Britain Herald building and the uses of frontage retail space on Main and Chestnut streets.
On Wednesday, December 9th the City Council will hold a regular meeting when public participation opens at 7 p.m. On the agenda is Mayor Stewart’s veto of reappointments to the regional Mattabassett District of Gerry Amodio, William Candelori and Edward Sasso. Mayor Stewart’s veto stems from his objections to former State Rep. Candelori, who is Chairman of the Mattabassett board, for “ethical” issues and his past legal problems. On two prior occasions Stewart did not object to Candelori serving on the regional board, but in a veto message last month Stewart said Candelori is unfit to serve.
In a Herald story by Jim Craven Mayor Stewart denied acting “illegally or inappropriately” in acknowledging his advocacy for New Britain-based Maguire Group in bidding on a $100 million water treatment project being undertaken by the Mattabassett District.
The Mattabassett District, formed as a regional authority in 1961, has a 12-member board of which New Britain has a majority – seven members appointed by the Common Council. Its mission is to provide waste water treatment New Britain, Berlin and Cromwell, as well as adjoining communities in its watershed including portions of Farmington, Middletown, Newington and Rocky Hill.
Semper Fi:
Donations Being Accepted for Marines Deployed To Iran, Afghanistan
Elbridge Road resident Marjorie Hackett-Wallace and family invite New Britain Democrats to contribute to a second annual holiday care package drive to benefit U.S. Marines deployed to Iran and Afghanistan. Volunteers are collecting personal care items, snacks and other comforts to go to Marines and will be accepting donations on up to December 21st. Cash donations will be accepted to defer the cost of shipping. Each Care Package costs $10.50 to ship. Donations are welcome at Hackett-Wallace’s home at 103 Elbridge Road For more information please contact Marjorie or Craig at 860-224-7635 or 860-280-6686.The Marines’ Care Package Wish List includes: deodorant, body powder, tooth paste/tooth brushes, razors, foot powder, boot socks, hand sanitizer, vitamins, baby wipes cough drops; snacks and food need to be pre-packaged individual serving size: Rice Krispies Treats, beef jerky snack mixes,sunflower seeds, chewing gum, nuts, freeze dried coffee, Individually wrapped snacks Granola, Soup Mix, Cereal Bars, Hot Chocolate andPringles Chips; International Calling Cards, Ziploc Bags, Poker Chips, Playing Cards, Dice , AA Batteries, Sewing Kit, Lysol Wipes,paperback books, magazines, newspapers, tobacco products, pens, paper, and stamps.
For additional information on this giving opportunity go to http://www.devildogadvocates.org/
Congratulations on a New Arrival!
Congratulations to former Ward One Ald. Greg Gerratana and Jessica Gerratana on the birth of a son, Gregory Luke Gerratana born November 30th at the Hospital of Central Connecticut. The proud grandparents are former State Rep. Terry Gerratana and DTC member, Dr. Frank Gerratana.
In Memoriam: Alvin B. Brooks
New Britain Democrats extend condolences to the family of artist Alvin B. Brooks , the son of DTC member and leader Alton B. Brooks, who passed away on December 1. A Homegoing Celebration for Alvin will be held Monday, Dec. 7, 2009, at 11 a.m. from Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church, 25 Crestwood Lane, New Britain, with the Rev. Sherman G. Dunmore Sr., pastor, presiding. Committal service and final resting place will be in Fairview Cemetery, 120 Smalley St., New Britain. Relatives and friends may call at Spottswood A.M.E. Zion Church, Monday from 10 to 11 a.m.
End Quote
Reports from The Hill in Washington D.C. are that Democratic Senators are preparing to offer a "compromise" amendment to the healthcare bill as soon as next week that would destroy the public option. It's likely to include every one of the insurance industry's greatest hits -- a trigger, state-based co-ops, and could even replace the already bad Opt-Out clause with an even worse one that would require states that want a public option to Opt-In instead. And what should come as no surprise to anyone, they're likely to still call this new sell-out to the insurance industry a "public option. No matter what they call it, enough is enough. It's time to stop negotiating with defeat and reject all amendments which weaken the public option.
Charles Chamberlain, Political Director, Democracy for America