Supporters of fundamental changes in the state's health insurance system will be going to the state capitol, 300 Capitol Avenue ,on Wednesday, May 13 from 2pm - 6pm. It promises to be a pivotal day in the quest for insuring the uninsured and a major step toward universal health care. The citizen lobbying push will be held from 2 to 6 p.m.
A broad-based coalition of public interest groups, labor, clergy and small business owners are seeking passage of the Sustinet Health Care proposal before the legislative session ends in June. The New Britain Democratic Town Committee is an endorser of the healthcare4every1 campaign. Proponents of SustiNet (HB 6600) say it is a way "to ensure that everyone in Connecticut has high quality, affordable health care regardless of pre-existing conditions, job changes, self-employment, divorce and other life changes. It offers a comprehensive benefits package that includes dental and mental health coverage. People can choose their own doctors, and have the option of keeping their existing health plans."
Building on last year's Health Care Partnership legislation vetoed by Gov. Rell, SustiNet would be available to businesses, nonprofits and municipalities that would like to offer their employees good, comprehensive health care benefits at affordable rates. Premium payments would be based on a sliding scale depending upon your income. Because the plan would create a large public-private insurance pool, SustiNet would negotiate more competitive rates and create savings for individuals and businesses. People with SustiNet plan would save $875 or more per year on health care costs. The new system’s emphasis on prevention, better management of chronic illnesses and use of electronic medical records will also reduce costs. The legislation faces misleading lobbying efforts from the CT Business and Industry Association and other health insurers.
City Budget Hearing Thursday At High School
A public hearing on the 2010 municipal budget will be held at New Britain High School, Mill Street, Thursday, May 14th beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Stewart's February budget message, containing no specific cuts and based on Governor Rell's out of balance state budget that includes lower amount of municipal aid, calls for layoffs and a 5 percent across the board reduction to city services. There has been minimal information coming out of City Hall on where the cuts will fall and how the administration proposes to pay for it. Democratic Town Chairman John McNamara chided Stewart for not providing sufficient details in his February budget message to the Common Council. "The Mayor's proposal contains unsubstantiated revenue estimates that makes his no tax increase pledge ring hollow. He is not leveling with the taxpayers in what he has said so far." Added McNamara: "If the Mayor is intent on layoffs of rank and file, direct service employees and cutting services he should take the lead and refuse any increase in his salary and perks which will be approaching $120,000 a year. "
As noted here last month, the budget planning of the the Mayor and Council is made more difficult because of the uncertainty on what actual state aid amounts will be. Governor Rell has not yet come to the table for serious negotiations with legislative leaders. Both the state and city face June deadlines to set budgets for the year that begins July 1st. The state faces a multi-billion dollar deficit that will require a combination of cuts, tax or revenue increases and use of federal stimulus funds.
Municipal Endorsements: Committee Continues to Gather Candidate Information
The Democratic Town Committee's nominations committee continues to gather information and confirm candidates for the Democratic endorsement. Interviews of candidates are expected to be held in June. The Democrats' slate will include Mayor, Town and City Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer, Common Council (10 District, 5 At large), Board of Education (3), Board of Assessment Appeal (2) and Constable (4). Any Democrat interested in seeking office are asked to submit information to the committee in preparation for July endorsements. Candidate information forms are available upon request to newbritaindemocrat@gmail.com. The May meeting of the town committee is scheduled for May 21st.
July: The Committee is required to meet between July 21 and July 28 for city office endorsements
August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17
Primary Day: September 15 (if necessary) Election Day: November 3
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Labor donated. New Britain Democratic Town Committee.
John Valengavich Treasurer. Approved by John McNamara