All The Democratic News Fit To Print In and Around New Britain, CT (USA)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dan Malloy Is Guest Speaker At August 20th Meeting

Dan Malloy, Stamford’s Mayor and a 2010 gubernatorial hopeful, will be the guest speaker at the August meeting of the NB Democratic Town Committee Thursday, August 20th at 7 p.m. at New Britain City Hall, 27 West Main Street.

Malloy, who has served as Stamford’s mayor since 1995, is serving a fourth term and is expected to seek the Democratic nomination for Governor next year. A Boston College and Boston College law school graduate, Malloy served as an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, NY in the early 1980s before returning to his native Stamford to practice law and pursue local politics. He contended for the gubernatorial nomination in 2006.

This summer he has been critical of the Rell Administration on the stymied state budget negotiations and on Governor Rell’s veto of the Sustinet health care reform legislation that was overridden by the state legislature. More information at

From the Chair: NB Republicans start early on personal attacks, negative campaigning

It usually takes until Labor Day for some candidates to resort to negative campaigning. But New Britain Republicans aren’t waiting until then to engage in name calling and invective as a substitute for discussing the issues.

Don Naples, a Ward 4 candidate for the GOP, signed off on a letter to the editor earlier this week that takes off on Ward 4 Ald, Phil Sherwood for inquiring about the plans for prospective developers to build retail at the Pinnacle Heights site. Naples falsely chastises Sherwood for “taunting” the proposed developers as he engaged in a dialogue with the developer’s attorney. The developers, by the way, were seeking full developer designation after admitting that “due diligence” on their part needs to be done on the site before offering any specifics. For doing his due diligence in a respectful manner, Sherwood was called “jerky” by Naples. And in a new blog that is anonymous but has all the trappings of the Republican Town Committee and Mayor Stewart’s inner circle Sherwood is referred to as “filthy Phil Sherwood.” Check it out at

And in one of his many attack missives GOP Ald. Lou Salvio rants on about “some Democrat Council agitators” using “neighborhood rabble-rousers”, “mercenaries” and “Democratic shills to promote doubt.” Salvio’s letter was posted on the Frank Smith Says NB blog, another conduit for personal attacks on local Democrats generally and vitriolic, extremist reports against President Obama specifically. There was nary a word about any substantive issue in this latest salvo from Salvio.

Salvio, who has made a habit of name calling and insults in e-mails to his Democratic Council colleagues and in letters to the editor through the years, complains bitterly that the “voters elected the evildoers with a super majority on the council.”

These remarks are disappointing, counterproductive and disrespectful to voters. Every election is an opportunity to have a conversation with voters and to engage them in constructive dialogue. Democrats believe this. Unfortunately members of the Stewart team appear to want to trade insults and tear down the good faith efforts of public servants rather than promote their own qualifications, ideas and solutions.

Black Dems Set For Soul Food Fast, Saturday, August 15th

The Black Democratic Club and its President, Ward 3 Ald. Shirley Black , invites you to its annual Soul Food Fest Saturday, August 15th. The annual event will be held from 12-4 p.m. Pride of CT, Lodge of Elks 24 Elm Street, New Britain. The donation $15. Bring your appetite.

End Quote

The Republicans, hoping to steal the message as they have so often before, have invited in the brass-knucklers of the wacko-fringe: the racists, the haters, the misanthropes, the nest of the bombers and shooters, the lunatics. They’ve done this before and think it’s high theater. Except this time there’s no moderating forces left at all in the GOP hierarchy to hit the “off” switch. The party has been reduced down to the coffee grounds. It is the base distilled to the base of the base. A few southerners, a few wild westerners, the usual opportunists. …..The demagogues of the airwaves, who alone define and control the Republican party once of Lincoln and Roosevelt and Eisenhower — racist to the core — whip the mob to its mad frenzy.

from Angry? How about nuts? Author and blogger Denis Horgan August 5, 2009-08-13

Sunday, August 9, 2009

9 August 2009

Council Takes Up Anti-Blight Issue Wednesday, August 12
Stewart, Republicans Seek To Weaken Enforcement

A proposal by the Stewart administration to weaken the city’s policy against property blight will get a hearing at Wednesday’s City Council meeting amid calls by Democrats for stronger enforcement of existing ordinances.

The Herald quoted Stewart as saying: “We have serious deficiencies in our anti-blight legislation because of its complexity and reliance on the courts. The proposed ordinance reduces and codifies it down to a more workable ordinance.”

Democratic Chairman John McNamara said the administration’s proposed policy is an abdication of the city government’s role in protecting neighborhoods against deterioration. “The Mayor is walking away from the tools that many cities rely on to deal with irresponsible absentee landlords. Limiting the options the city has over slumlords won’t get the job done. Sometimes a city has to ‘rely on the courts’ to protect its citizens.”

McNamara, a former Building Commission Chairman, called upon the Mayor and Council to maintain and strengthen the anti-blight policy by adopting a certificate of occupancy in non-owner occupied housing. “Instituting the Building Commission was only a half-step last year. Certificates of occupancy are needed to hold landlords and tenants responsible in multi-unit housing.”

State Rep. Tim O’Brien (D-24), the endorsed Democratic candidate for Mayor, was instrumental in writing a strong anti-blight ordinance when he served on the city council. Stewart now seeks to weaken provisions that set quality of life standards in neighborhoods and give the city powers to hold absentee owners accountable.

“ Unfortunately, our city has not received the benefit of these strong anti-blight protections because these rules have never truly been enforced,” said O’Brien. “I have worked hard, both on the City Council and in the state legislature, for anti-blight ordinances and laws. For too long slumlords and other irresponsible absentee property owners have brought down the quality of life in whole neighborhoods with their neglect and bad management. This harms everyone. It hurts people of meager means who live in slum housing, because there is a shortage of quality affordable housing. It hurts the people whose neighborhood quality of life is torn down because they live near boarded-up buildings and slums. And it means that taxpayers watch as their money ends up spent dealing with the problems caused so that out-of-town investor-owners can make money on the backs of New Britain residents.”

O’Brien said he agreed with the Mayor that the city should take advantage of state anti-blight laws, like collecting anti-blight fines and fees through irresponsible property owners' tax bills and activating the state Urban Homesteading law. “But, the most significant thing that the Stewart-Republican proposal would do would be to weaken our city's anti-blight ordinance by repealing important quality of life standards designed to protect the people of our city. We should be moving forward, not backward,” said O’Brien. O’Brien said his differences with the Stewart administration on blight issues is one of the reason he is running for mayor. “We can have a city that creates jobs, building up homes and neighborhoods, instead of making excuses for why our anti-blight ordinance is not being enforced,” said O’Brien.

Public participation at Wednesday’s City Council meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 27 West Main Street.

Rained Out Tomato Crop Cancels Urban Oaks’ Annual Tasting Feast: Special Fund Will Help Organic Farmers

The annual “Tomato To-mah-to 2009: Heirloom Tasting Feast” scheduled for Sunday, August 23rd and hosted by New Britain’s Urban Oaks Farm and the Upper Forty Farm in Cromwell has been cancelled because of weather-related blight to tomato crops this year.

“Both farms are suffering greatly from circumstances related to this unseasonably cool and wet weather. It is unclear if there will be any field grown tomato plants surviving in four weeks. Flooding and blight are taking an enormous toll on everything,” wrote Susan Chandler, the chapter leader of Slow Food Connecticut. “Slow Food Connecticut is establishing a Tomato Fund in support our farmer friends, who have generously hosted this event for eight years on our behalf, as small token of our appreciation. Proceeds will be equally divided between Upper Forty Farm and Urban Oaks Organic Farm and be entirely tax-deductible. If you would like to participate, please send a check to "Slow Food Connecticut" and mail to Susan Chandler, 1870 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117. Note "Tomato Fund" on the memo line.

Black Dems Set For Soul Food Fast, Saturday, August 15th

The Black Democratic Club and its President, Ward 3 Ald. Shirley Black , invites you to its annual Soul Food Fest Saturday, August 15th. The annual event will be held from 12-4 p.m. Pride of CT, Lodge of Elks 24 Elm Street, New Britain. The donation $15.

Car Wash for NBHS Marching Band To Be Held August 22nd

The New Britain High School Golden Hurricanes Marching Band, celebrating its 75th year of New Britain music pride, will hold its Annual Car Wash on Saturday, August 22, 2009 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The CAR WASH FUNDRAISER will be held at the Masonic Temple, corner of Shuttle Meadow Avenue and Corbin Avenue, New Britain, across from Martha Hart Park. The car wash will include student participation, with music provided by NBHS Band members. Hot dogs will also be sold to benefit the Band. Olivia Pietrowicz is the 2009-2010 Drum Major and will coordinate the car wash activities along with the Band Unit leaders, Canettes Co-Captains and Head Majorette. Car wash tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the Car Wash

Blog Archive

New Britain Democrats

New Britain, Connecticut, United States
New Britain Democrat is a digest of e-newsletters that present news, views and information from the New Britain Democratic Town Committee. John McNamara, the Town Chair, is the editor. Mailing Address: Post Office Box 2112 New Britain, CT 06050 John Valengavich, Treasurer